
Top 10 Regulations Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Regulations solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating


Byrt & Co Solicitors 51.5118547 -0.1252502 24007

Byrt & Co Solicitors


Caddick Davies Solicitors Limited 53.4479204 -2.9851483 15695

Caddick Davies Solicitors Limited


Cadwalader Wickersham & Taft LLP 51.5168684 -0.0827126 24724

Cadwalader Wickersham & Taft LLP



Caisson Turner Legal Services 54.9717663 -1.6104056 15484

Caisson Turner Legal Services



Cambridge Legal Practice Limited 52.1946399 0.1333395 15512

Cambridge Legal Practice Limited


Cameron Jones Hussell & Howe Ltd 51.5932849 -3.7798741 17483

Cameron Jones Hussell & Howe Ltd


Cameron Legal Ltd 52.48072939999999 -1.9000957 19350

Cameron Legal Ltd


Campbell Johnston Clark Limited 51.5123156 -0.0726858 16514

Campbell Johnston Clark Limited


Canbolat Limited 51.6150976 -0.0648825 18214

Canbolat Limited


Candey Limited 51.51722299999999 -0.1134559 15373

Candey Limited


Capital Law Limited 51.476852 -3.1678687 22729

Capital Law Limited



Capsticks Solicitors LLP 51.4210524 -0.2077581 20989

Capsticks Solicitors LLP



Carlsons Solicitors Limited 51.6301168 -0.1738977 18994

Carlsons Solicitors Limited


Caroline Lee Associates Ltd 52.5433095 -1.8239568 19333

Caroline Lee Associates Ltd


Carpenters Rose 51.6142377 -0.2477367 25670

Carpenters Rose


Carpmaels & Ransford (international) LLP 51.51837459999999 -0.1213358 14720

Carpmaels & Ransford (international) LLP


Carter Lemon Camerons LLP 51.5170293 -0.09645619999999999 21135

Carter Lemon Camerons LLP


Carter Perry Bailey LLP 51.511678 -0.0776703 20647

Carter Perry Bailey LLP


Carter Vincent LLP 53.2306175 -4.1079916 17822

Carter Vincent LLP



Cartwright Cunningham Haselgrove & Co 51.5825146 -0.0188798 27239

Cartwright Cunningham Haselgrove & Co


Cassadys Limited

0 reviews

Unranked # out of 2554 Regulations solicitor firms in the UK

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Total solicitors: 0

Cassadys Limited 51.514279 -0.11045 15645 Cassadys Limited

Cassadys Limited


Catalyst Law 53.5111666 -0.8262724 13151

Catalyst Law


Caversham Solicitors Limited 51.46738509999999 -0.9733974999999999 23703

Caversham Solicitors Limited


Caytons Law 51.51273020000001 -0.0842699 20630

Caytons Law


Ccw Law Solicitors Limited 51.8208517 -4.0058882 22468

Ccw Law Solicitors Limited


Centrefield LLP 53.4731941 -2.2507588 14546

Centrefield LLP


Cf Law Limited 53.2610947 -2.516956 15431

Cf Law Limited


Cg Professional Limited 53.6520817 -2.6309307 28103

Cg Professional Limited


Chambers O'neill Solicitors Ltd 53.1857243 -2.8639698 15144

Chambers O'neill Solicitors Ltd



Chambers Solicitors 51.539466 -0.6560172 24559

Chambers Solicitors

