
Top 10 Regulations Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Regulations solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

A S Greenstreet Limited 51.72729 0.4727547 23844

A S Greenstreet Limited


Ashburnham Solicitors Limited 52.6329453 1.293865 27554

Ashburnham Solicitors Limited


Ashfield Solicitors 51.4942343 -0.1821135 16116

Ashfield Solicitors


Ashton Bond Gigg 52.9525987 -1.151036 25737

Ashton Bond Gigg


Ashton Commercial Limited 50.8658998 -0.1160072 18112

Ashton Commercial Limited


Ashtons Solicitors Limited 51.5141707 -0.1233103 15343

Ashtons Solicitors Limited


Ashurst LLP 51.5188848 -0.075421 30611

Ashurst LLP



Ashworths Solicitors LLP 51.4231838 -0.2060062 19946

Ashworths Solicitors LLP



A.s. Matthews Limited 53.5412213 -2.307265 18351

A.s. Matthews Limited


Aspect Law Limited 52.4837753 -1.9092038 22297

Aspect Law Limited


Asserson Law Offices 51.516654 -0.1482871 19136

Asserson Law Offices


Astute Dynamic Ltd 51.4896105 -0.1226481 13275

Astute Dynamic Ltd


Atanaskovic Hartnell LLP 51.4910643 -0.1744679 18415

Atanaskovic Hartnell LLP


Atanda Solicitors 51.4938307 -0.08444299999999999 23842

Atanda Solicitors


Athena Solicitors LLP 53.480445 -2.2434182 15789

Athena Solicitors LLP


Augustins Ltd 51.6582419 -0.0582594 15775

Augustins Ltd


Aurora Legal Limited 51.2139366 -0.8030915 28470

Aurora Legal Limited


Austin Moore & Partners LLP 52.9547836 -1.1599542 16571

Austin Moore & Partners LLP



Austins Solicitors 51.49466349999999 -0.276038 23426

Austins Solicitors


Avery Law LLP 51.4952946 -0.1426125 17452

Avery Law LLP


A.vincent Solicitors Ltd

0 reviews

Unranked # out of 2554 Regulations solicitor firms in the UK

A.vincent Solicitors Ltd 51.4906856 0.0699351 13416 A.vincent Solicitors Ltd

A.vincent Solicitors Ltd


Avonhurst Legal Services LLP 51.5057042 -0.1359929 28710

Avonhurst Legal Services LLP


Awb Charlesworth Solicitors Limited

0 reviews

Unranked # out of 2554 Regulations solicitor firms in the UK

Awb Charlesworth Solicitors Limited 53.8663676 -1.9094389 27785 Awb Charlesworth Solicitors Limited

Awb Charlesworth Solicitors Limited


A W Fyson Limited 52.95159959999999 -1.1433456 14506

A W Fyson Limited


Azam & Co Solicitors 51.5135967 -0.0756727 23937

Azam & Co Solicitors


Backhouse Jones Limited 53.8388697 -2.3971415 23344

Backhouse Jones Limited


Baileyfields Solicitors Limited 51.1271981 0.2600286 23449

Baileyfields Solicitors Limited


Bailoran Limited 53.8307968 -1.5390019 16537

Bailoran Limited


Baker Botts (uk) LLP 51.5150448 -0.08779039999999999 21642

Baker Botts (uk) LLP


Baker & Mckenzie LLP 51.5133709 -0.1037715 23097

Baker & Mckenzie LLP

