
Top 10 Regulations Solicitors in Holborn and Covent Garden

Here you can see the best Regulations solicitors in Holborn and Covent Garden. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating


Bracher Rawlins LLP 51.5158307 -0.119711 22418

Bracher Rawlins LLP


Candey Limited 51.51722299999999 -0.1134559 15373

Candey Limited


Capital Law Limited 51.525616 -0.08643930000000001 22752

Capital Law Limited


Carpmaels & Ransford (international) LLP 51.51837459999999 -0.1213358 14720

Carpmaels & Ransford (international) LLP



City Law Firm Limited 51.5205125 -0.1161452 19536

City Law Firm Limited


Clintons 51.5137562 -0.121007 27200



Dass Legal Solutions (Mk) Law Ltd 51.5178289 -0.1125516 56316

Dass Legal Solutions (Mk) Law Ltd


De Jure Chambers Limited 51.51439449999999 -0.1109209 14686

De Jure Chambers Limited


Edmans Legal Ltd 51.5185008 -0.1123941 30058

Edmans Legal Ltd


Eldwick Law

0 reviews

Unranked # out of 104 Regulations solicitor firms in Holborn and Covent Garden

Eldwick Law 51.5212826 -0.1080069 28106 Eldwick Law

Eldwick Law



Equitable Law Limited 51.5149492 -0.1118635 16281

Equitable Law Limited


Eversfield & Co 51.5127549 -0.1275624 25908

Eversfield & Co


Excello Law Limited 51.51439449999999 -0.1109209 28654

Excello Law Limited



Farrer & Co LLP 51.516459 -0.1190797 22380

Farrer & Co LLP


Fladgate LLP 51.516133 -0.1206209 21157

Fladgate LLP


FWJ Legal Limited

0 reviews

Unranked # out of 104 Regulations solicitor firms in Holborn and Covent Garden

FWJ Legal Limited 51.5238179 -0.1103146 16138 FWJ Legal Limited

FWJ Legal Limited


Glovers Solicitors LLP 51.5157314 -0.1253072 21876

Glovers Solicitors LLP



Goldkorns Solicitors 51.51705159999999 -0.1117478 19346

Goldkorns Solicitors


Greenwood & Co 51.5186316 -0.1076754 26854

Greenwood & Co


Gresham Legal Limited 51.51705159999999 -0.1117478 14472

Gresham Legal Limited


Halebury Ventures Limited 51.5161867 -0.1116613 22845

Halebury Ventures Limited


Harpers 51.5227888 -0.1145376 25148



Hibernian Private Client Limited 51.5208311 -0.1076836 15737

Hibernian Private Client Limited


Howlett Brown Limited 51.5238179 -0.1103146 30426

Howlett Brown Limited


Hudson & Co 51.5191247 -0.1131611 25782

Hudson & Co


Hunters Law LLP 51.5153905 -0.1141369 28823

Hunters Law LLP


Hunters Solicitors Llp 51.5241188 -0.1619422 36369

Hunters Solicitors Llp


Hw Business Law LLP 51.519658 -0.1194957 15872

Hw Business Law LLP


Jmc Law Ltd 51.5193474 -0.1132817 15149

Jmc Law Ltd


Joffe & Partners LLP 51.51439449999999 -0.1109209 28198

Joffe & Partners LLP

