
Top 10 Solicitors in Reading

Here you can see the best solicitors in Reading. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Clarks Nominees Limited 51.4579506 -0.9723535999999999 32164

Clarks Nominees Limited


Clarks Trustees Limited 51.4579506 -0.9723535999999999 32163

Clarks Trustees Limited


Cms Cameron Mckenna Nabarro Olswang LLP 51.4557778 -0.9671468999999999 29001

Cms Cameron Mckenna Nabarro Olswang LLP


Completelegal Solicitors Limited 51.4649673 -0.9704287 16651

Completelegal Solicitors Limited


Deloitte Llp 51.4561468 -0.9663956 33551

Deloitte Llp


Ernst & Young LLP 51.4584062 -0.9697413999999999 15259

Ernst & Young LLP


Farrington & Co 51.4886752 -0.9690019000000001 24923

Farrington & Co


Gavin Renwick 51.4559165 -0.9801202999999999 33725

Gavin Renwick


Godwin-Austen Ltd 51.4260769 -0.8847389 53431

Godwin-Austen Ltd


Griffiths Robertson 51.4532857 -0.96315 18714

Griffiths Robertson


Hewetts Law Limited 51.4526907 -0.9680711000000001 15812

Hewetts Law Limited


Irwin Mitchell Trust Corporation Limited 51.4556758 -0.968047 38873

Irwin Mitchell Trust Corporation Limited


Irwin Mitchell Trustees Limited 51.4556758 -0.968047 38864

Irwin Mitchell Trustees Limited


Jg Family Law Specialists Limited 51.47913759999999 -1.0467264 33951

Jg Family Law Specialists Limited


Kpmg LLP 51.45805319999999 -0.9666587000000001 30634

Kpmg LLP


Middlesex Law Chambers Ltd 51.4251689 -0.98795 50807

Middlesex Law Chambers Ltd


Nilo Sharma & Associates 51.4565728 -0.9957619999999999 22363

Nilo Sharma & Associates


Osborne Clarke LLP 51.4578845 -0.9676804999999999 14837

Osborne Clarke LLP


Pactum Law Ltd 51.4557778 -0.9671468999999999 27722

Pactum Law Ltd


Pearson Locke Limited 51.4604586 -0.9327884 47280

Pearson Locke Limited


Pricewaterhousecoopers LLP 51.4578845 -0.9676805 13510

Pricewaterhousecoopers LLP


Requiem Law Ltd 51.4262738 -0.8724072 45039

Requiem Law Ltd


Taylors Solicitors 51.4251689 -0.98795 37772

Taylors Solicitors


Thompson Leatherdale 51.4526907 -0.9680711000000001 16721

Thompson Leatherdale

