
Top 10 Solicitors in Peterborough

Here you can see the best solicitors in Peterborough. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Credence Law Limited 52.7375553 0.402289 46394

Credence Law Limited


Hc Group Limited 52.5720869 -0.2528294 19772

Hc Group Limited


Hegarty (peterborough) Limited 52.5773175 -0.240549 29975

Hegarty (peterborough) Limited


Jhb Law Ltd 52.5729927 -0.2459325 37786

Jhb Law Ltd


Middlesex Law Chambers Ltd 52.574094 -0.236 53405

Middlesex Law Chambers Ltd


M.y. Solicitors 52.5835114 -0.2447292 20404

M.y. Solicitors


Pandya Law Ltd 52.5907349 -0.201975 28718

Pandya Law Ltd


PDR Property Lawyers Ltd 52.55658380000001 -0.1291039 44045

PDR Property Lawyers Ltd


Rehmans Solicitors 52.57700759999999 -0.2420816 8406

Rehmans Solicitors


Roythornes Limited 52.574094 -0.236 19404

Roythornes Limited


Simply Conveyancing Property Lawyers (East) Ltd 52.57170180000001 -0.2426037 44053

Simply Conveyancing Property Lawyers (East) Ltd


Sir Kingsley Wood Limited 52.574094 -0.236 33815

Sir Kingsley Wood Limited


Sloan Plumb Wood LLP 52.5513385 -0.3264433 21781

Sloan Plumb Wood LLP


The Singh Partnership Ltd 52.5913955 -0.2531835 16045

The Singh Partnership Ltd

