
Top 10 Personal Injury Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Personal Injury solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Leeds Legal Solutions Ltd 53.8087221 -1.5320155 18658

Leeds Legal Solutions Ltd


Lee & Kan Solicitors 51.5128108 -0.1333249 16034

Lee & Kan Solicitors


Legal Affairs Solicitors 52.5857189 -2.1305488 14921

Legal Affairs Solicitors


Legal Minds Limited 52.5409021 -1.8838585 15586

Legal Minds Limited


Legitimus Solicitors 51.5114323 -0.07913619999999999 22247

Legitimus Solicitors


Leigh Duncan LLP 51.6107867 -0.6462201 13701

Leigh Duncan LLP



Leopold Wise Solicitors Limited 53.7942811 -1.7447188 28173

Leopold Wise Solicitors Limited


Levenes 51.5982515 -0.1110528 25688



Lewis & Co 53.5416292 -2.1095747 24074

Lewis & Co


Lewis Lewis & Company Limited 51.8198619 -4.4957215 23506

Lewis Lewis & Company Limited


Lewis & Lines 51.7298917 -3.1350601 25417

Lewis & Lines


Lexsure Solicitors 51.51945689999999 -0.1603433 13129

Lexsure Solicitors


L Francis Services Ltd 51.3648135 -0.4594463 17347

L Francis Services Ltd


Lgss Law Ltd 52.3307391 -0.1854077 15071

Lgss Law Ltd



Lifetime Wills And Trusts Limited 52.644292 -0.4956901 13959

Lifetime Wills And Trusts Limited



Lillywhite Williams & Co 51.56130109999999 0.1472412 14672

Lillywhite Williams & Co


Lincoln Harford Solicitors LLP 51.5531251 -0.3145776 20740

Lincoln Harford Solicitors LLP


Lincoln Solicitors Limited 53.4388222 -2.1869853 15745

Lincoln Solicitors Limited



Lincoln Watts & Leeding 51.4383237 0.0722863 27881

Lincoln Watts & Leeding


Linkworths Limited 51.5563095 -0.0743047 28429

Linkworths Limited


Linnitts Solicitors LLP 50.5318656 -3.5993568 6177

Linnitts Solicitors LLP


Living Spring Solicitors 51.474445 -0.0217838 28436

Living Spring Solicitors


Livingstone Brown Limited

0 reviews

Unranked # out of 2360 Personal Injury solicitor firms in the UK

Livingstone Brown Limited have Personal Injury solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Livingstone Brown Limited 55.8543984 -4.25762 35039 Livingstone Brown Limited

Livingstone Brown Limited


Lkny Law 51.4943337 -0.2267824 19969

Lkny Law


L L Barrowcliff Ltd 53.2087127 -2.71271 17611

L L Barrowcliff Ltd


Llewellyn-jones Limited 53.16684799999999 -3.1395347 18752

Llewellyn-jones Limited



Lock & Marlborough 51.5022617 -0.281529 25970

Lock & Marlborough


Lofthouse & Co 53.7267162 -1.3526115 25451

Lofthouse & Co



Londonium Chamber Limited 51.5154954 -0.0675503 14741

Londonium Chamber Limited



Lone Solicitors Limited 53.4398888 -2.1999062 27479

Lone Solicitors Limited

