
Top 10 Notary Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Notary solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating


Switalskis Solicitors Limited 53.6826771 -1.5018909 15307

Switalskis Solicitors Limited



Iris Law LLP 54.9660733 -1.6034008 19219

Iris Law LLP



Pembridge Solicitors Limited

32 reviews

Ranked #178 out of 713 Notary solicitor firms in the UK

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"Immigration advice"

- 09/03/2025

"Professional personable patient & above all reassuring."

- 12/07/2024

Pembridge Solicitors Limited have 1 Notary solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Pembridge Solicitors Limited 51.8943709 -2.0763262 14267 Pembridge Solicitors Limited

Pembridge Solicitors Limited



Wayman & Long

30 reviews

Ranked #179 out of 713 Notary solicitor firms in the UK

Wayman & Long 52.0785802 0.5807938 26298 Wayman & Long

Wayman & Long



Jackson Lees Group Ltd 53.4077858 -2.9915616 5333

Jackson Lees Group Ltd



Miller Rosenfalck LLP 51.52327 -0.1042253 24083

Miller Rosenfalck LLP



Berard & Lovell Solicitors

33 reviews

Ranked #182 out of 713 Notary solicitor firms in the UK

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"Thoughtful and Tailored Advice for My Needs"

- 15/03/2025

"Témoignage de Charming Houses"

- 23/01/2025

Berard & Lovell Solicitors have Notary solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 4

Berard & Lovell Solicitors
Berard & Lovell Solicitors
Berard & Lovell Solicitors
Berard & Lovell Solicitors
Berard & Lovell Solicitors 51.5615848 -0.1485689 13381 Berard & Lovell Solicitors

Berard & Lovell Solicitors



Horne Engall And Freeman LLP

29 reviews

Ranked #183 out of 713 Notary solicitor firms in the UK

Horne Engall And Freeman LLP 51.4317049 -0.5487341 4976 Horne Engall And Freeman LLP

Horne Engall And Freeman LLP



BC Law Ltd

9 reviews

Ranked #184 out of 713 Notary solicitor firms in the UK

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"Grateful for the Exceptional Legal Assistance"

- 16/10/2024

"1st class from start to finish"

- 12/10/2024

BC Law Ltd have Notary solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 1

BC Law Ltd
BC Law Ltd 52.03396859999999 -0.7719479 47284 BC Law Ltd

BC Law Ltd



Family Defence Law Ltd 51.53553950000001 -0.1341831 19398

Family Defence Law Ltd



Solomon Solicitors 51.8843985 -0.4267819 9336

Solomon Solicitors



J R Jones Solicitors

26 reviews

Ranked #187 out of 713 Notary solicitor firms in the UK

J R Jones Solicitors 52.4500456 -1.8630854 24984 J R Jones Solicitors

J R Jones Solicitors



Stone Rowe Brewer LLP 51.44690689999999 -0.3270827 20203

Stone Rowe Brewer LLP



Portway Solicitors Ltd

15 reviews

Ranked #189 out of 713 Notary solicitor firms in the UK

Portway Solicitors Ltd 51.52187989999999 0.0210406 20882 Portway Solicitors Ltd

Portway Solicitors Ltd



Deo Volente Legal LLP 52.1379142 -0.4650342 17491

Deo Volente Legal LLP



Field Overell LLP 52.29165949999999 -1.5376013 18456

Field Overell LLP



Murria Solicitors Limited 52.48271039999999 -1.8934502 18386

Murria Solicitors Limited



Hamer Childs 52.1974042 -2.2237875 25555

Hamer Childs



Prosperity Law Llp

19 reviews

Ranked #194 out of 713 Notary solicitor firms in the UK

Prosperity Law Llp 53.7976963 -1.551495 43448 Prosperity Law Llp

Prosperity Law Llp



Birketts LLP

22 reviews

Ranked #195 out of 713 Notary solicitor firms in the UK

Birketts LLP 52.0533771 1.1482121 22597 Birketts LLP

Birketts LLP



Makka Solicitors Ltd 51.4346603 -0.162021 21826

Makka Solicitors Ltd



Porter Dodson LLP 50.9424514 -2.6329574 16987

Porter Dodson LLP



Qualified Legal Solicitors Limited

31 reviews

Ranked #198 out of 713 Notary solicitor firms in the UK

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"Kieleigh is the best!"

- 14/03/2025

"Excellent job without any stress "

- 16/01/2024

Qualified Legal Solicitors Limited have 2 Notary solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Qualified Legal Solicitors Limited 51.586135 -3.0047287 15651 Qualified Legal Solicitors Limited

Qualified Legal Solicitors Limited



Goodfellows Solicitors Limited

53 reviews

Ranked #199 out of 713 Notary solicitor firms in the UK

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"Thank you to the caseworker"

- 28/04/2022

"Thank You"

- 07/05/2022

Goodfellows Solicitors Limited have Notary solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Goodfellows Solicitors Limited 51.4297881 -0.1678844 15372 Goodfellows Solicitors Limited

Goodfellows Solicitors Limited



Thompson & Co Solicitors Ltd 51.5135756 -0.08757809999999999 15243

Thompson & Co Solicitors Ltd



Tjl Solicitors LLP

18 reviews

Ranked #201 out of 713 Notary solicitor firms in the UK

Tjl Solicitors LLP 53.456668 -2.2896215 18035 Tjl Solicitors LLP

Tjl Solicitors LLP



Bastian Lloyd Morris LLP 52.03926870000001 -0.7647663 21846

Bastian Lloyd Morris LLP



Hopkin Murray Beskine Limited 51.563904 -0.1079318 16910

Hopkin Murray Beskine Limited



Imran Khan & Partners

19 reviews

Ranked #204 out of 713 Notary solicitor firms in the UK

Imran Khan & Partners 51.52260760000001 -0.1138964 24867 Imran Khan & Partners

Imran Khan & Partners



Oliver & Hasani Limited 51.5917531 -0.2825701 17420

Oliver & Hasani Limited

