
Top 10 Notary Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Notary solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating


Walker Wise Limited

125 reviews

Ranked #134 out of 713 Notary solicitor firms in the UK

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"Impossible to improve on perfection"

- 14/10/2024

"Impeccable level of service from Theresa New"

- 19/09/2024

Walker Wise Limited have Notary solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 2

Walker Wise Limited
Walker Wise Limited
Walker Wise Limited 53.7532882 -2.3623468 17882 Walker Wise Limited

Walker Wise Limited



Moore Barlow LLP

43 reviews

Ranked #135 out of 713 Notary solicitor firms in the UK

Moore Barlow LLP 50.9670327 -1.3825703 21127 Moore Barlow LLP

Moore Barlow LLP



Pellys Solicitors Limited

33 reviews

Ranked #136 out of 713 Notary solicitor firms in the UK

Pellys Solicitors Limited 51.8699391 0.1627696 18950 Pellys Solicitors Limited

Pellys Solicitors Limited



Winckworth Sherwood LLP

40 reviews

Ranked #137 out of 713 Notary solicitor firms in the UK

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"Professional, knowledgeable and approachable"

- 18/03/2025

"Outstanding first class service "

- 12/03/2025

Winckworth Sherwood LLP have Notary solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 8

Winckworth Sherwood LLP
Winckworth Sherwood LLP
+3 more
Winckworth Sherwood LLP 51.50183269999999 -0.09095099999999999 17208 Winckworth Sherwood LLP

Winckworth Sherwood LLP



Davis Gregory Limited 51.8988256 -2.07496 2821

Davis Gregory Limited



Thompson & Cooke Limited

49 reviews

Ranked #139 out of 713 Notary solicitor firms in the UK

Value for money - EXCELLENT


- 28/08/2024

"Sale of property "

- 05/07/2024

Thompson & Cooke Limited have Notary solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Thompson & Cooke Limited 53.4841858 -2.0556281 17818 Thompson & Cooke Limited

Thompson & Cooke Limited



Hcb Solicitors Ltd 52.4151229 -1.7767867 18242

Hcb Solicitors Ltd



Anderson Legal Ltd

63 reviews

Ranked #141 out of 713 Notary solicitor firms in the UK

Value for money - EXCELLENT


- 16/01/2025


- 22/12/2024

Anderson Legal Ltd have Notary solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Anderson Legal Ltd 55.937563 -4.1542515 34168 Anderson Legal Ltd

Anderson Legal Ltd



Anthony King 52.6548605 0.10176 41804

Anthony King



Heppenstalls Solicitors Limited

36 reviews

Ranked #143 out of 713 Notary solicitor firms in the UK

Value for money - EXCELLENT


- 19/03/2025


- 25/02/2025

Heppenstalls Solicitors Limited have Notary solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 8

Heppenstalls Solicitors Limited
Heppenstalls Solicitors Limited
Heppenstalls Solicitors Limited
Heppenstalls Solicitors Limited
+3 more
Heppenstalls Solicitors Limited 50.7532261 -1.6553786 18551 Heppenstalls Solicitors Limited

Heppenstalls Solicitors Limited



Keelys LLP

94 reviews

Ranked #144 out of 713 Notary solicitor firms in the UK

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"Professional from start to finish"

- 26/03/2025


- 21/03/2025

Keelys LLP have Notary solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 9

Keelys LLP
Keelys LLP
Keelys LLP
Keelys LLP
Keelys LLP
+4 more
Keelys LLP 52.68457189999999 -1.8281831 21224 Keelys LLP

Keelys LLP



Emsleys Solicitors Limited

30 reviews

Ranked #145 out of 713 Notary solicitor firms in the UK

Emsleys Solicitors Limited 53.7920138 -1.430269 25917 Emsleys Solicitors Limited

Emsleys Solicitors Limited



McCarthy Law

42 reviews

Ranked #146 out of 713 Notary solicitor firms in the UK

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"Guardianship renewal"

- 25/03/2025


- 23/02/2025

McCarthy Law have Notary solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

McCarthy Law 55.876108 -4.3206384 34699 McCarthy Law

McCarthy Law



BDB Pitmans LLP

29 reviews

Ranked #147 out of 713 Notary solicitor firms in the UK

Value for money - EXCELLENT


- 24/08/2022

"Criterion Hospitality"

- 23/08/2022

BDB Pitmans LLP have 24 Notary solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

BDB Pitmans LLP 51.4999809 -0.1334745 1209 BDB Pitmans LLP

BDB Pitmans LLP



Legal Studio Solicitors

40 reviews

Ranked #148 out of 713 Notary solicitor firms in the UK

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"Exceptional Advice and Support "

- 23/02/2025

"James Perry saved my bacon"

- 20/12/2024

Legal Studio Solicitors have 1 Notary solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 14

Legal Studio Solicitors
Legal Studio Solicitors
Legal Studio Solicitors
Legal Studio Solicitors
Legal Studio Solicitors
+9 more
Legal Studio Solicitors 53.8013864 -1.5700702 16189 Legal Studio Solicitors

Legal Studio Solicitors



Bird & Co Solicitors LLP 52.9122579 -0.6406632 22560

Bird & Co Solicitors LLP



Thomas Docherty Solicitors

27 reviews

Ranked #150 out of 713 Notary solicitor firms in the UK

Value for money - EXCELLENT


- 24/07/2024


- 13/07/2024

Thomas Docherty Solicitors have Notary solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 1

Thomas Docherty Solicitors 56.0008822 -3.7841002 12523 Thomas Docherty Solicitors

Thomas Docherty Solicitors



Morton Pacitti LLP

40 reviews

Ranked #151 out of 713 Notary solicitor firms in the UK

Value for money - EXCELLENT


- 01/03/2025

"Buying and selling "

- 11/02/2025

Morton Pacitti LLP have Notary solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Morton Pacitti LLP 56.0002456 -3.7877272 12442 Morton Pacitti LLP

Morton Pacitti LLP



Rahman Ravelli Solicitors Ltd 53.7242897 -1.8654751 21446

Rahman Ravelli Solicitors Ltd



Shakespeare Martineau LLP

100 reviews

Ranked #153 out of 713 Notary solicitor firms in the UK

Value for money - EXCELLENT

Shakespeare Martineau LLP have 1 Notary solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Shakespeare Martineau LLP 52.48260519999999 -1.8964249 22573 Shakespeare Martineau LLP

Shakespeare Martineau LLP



Prince Evans Solicitors LLP 51.5126711 -0.3122375 18479

Prince Evans Solicitors LLP



Acuity Law Limited 51.4638516 -3.1600866 18454

Acuity Law Limited



McCash & Hunter LLP

30 reviews

Ranked #156 out of 713 Notary solicitor firms in the UK

Value for money - COMPETITIVE


- 27/11/2024


- 27/11/2024

McCash & Hunter LLP have Notary solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

McCash & Hunter LLP 56.3970824 -3.4347988 11457 McCash & Hunter LLP

McCash & Hunter LLP



Stone King LLP

43 reviews

Ranked #157 out of 713 Notary solicitor firms in the UK

Value for money - COMPETITIVE


- 25/02/2025


- 25/02/2025

Stone King LLP have 1 Notary solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Stone King LLP 51.3828701 -2.3637259 22861 Stone King LLP

Stone King LLP



Woodcock Law Limited

434 reviews

Ranked #158 out of 713 Notary solicitor firms in the UK

Woodcock Law Limited 51.504954 -0.0194504 30570 Woodcock Law Limited

Woodcock Law Limited



Chris Alexander Solicitors

33 reviews

Ranked #159 out of 713 Notary solicitor firms in the UK

Chris Alexander Solicitors 51.5395062 0.0781343 13399 Chris Alexander Solicitors

Chris Alexander Solicitors



Dadds LLP

23 reviews

Ranked #160 out of 713 Notary solicitor firms in the UK

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"Professional and very helpful firm"

- 14/02/2025

"Dadds LLP recommended "

- 11/11/2024

Dadds LLP have 1 Notary solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 4

Dadds LLP
Dadds LLP
Dadds LLP
Dadds LLP
Dadds LLP 51.6264023 0.4180787 19133 Dadds LLP

Dadds LLP



Taylor & Emmet Limited Liability Partnership 53.3818955 -1.466304 9794

Taylor & Emmet Limited Liability Partnership



Braitch Solicitors 52.5849741 -2.1372768 23436

Braitch Solicitors



Turpin & Miller LLP 51.7379633 -1.2179353 19143

Turpin & Miller LLP

