
Top 10 Money & Tax Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Money & Tax solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Macaskill's 53.1683132 -3.0797359 26260



Macfarlanes LLP 51.5164013 -0.1110108 21395

Macfarlanes LLP


Mackrell. 51.510288 -0.1195068 25895




Macmillans Solicitors LLP 50.5181477 -4.834095 16556

Macmillans Solicitors LLP


Magna Solicitors 51.5274059 -0.4177954 17178

Magna Solicitors


Magrath Sheldrick LLP 51.5155059 -0.1112496 21520

Magrath Sheldrick LLP


Majorlaw Limited 51.2344711 -0.5739700999999999 15403

Majorlaw Limited


Mander Hadley Limited 52.4052495 -1.5125729 14593

Mander Hadley Limited


Manners Pimblett Solicitors Limited 53.3494346 -2.1215333 31399

Manners Pimblett Solicitors Limited


Margaret Downey 50.7838767 0.2631405 18057

Margaret Downey


Marianne Johnson Family Law Practice 53.161027 0.246367 21919

Marianne Johnson Family Law Practice


Markel Law LLP 53.48162050000001 -2.2443893 22252

Markel Law LLP


Marlborough House Partners LLP 51.7354584 0.4692031 13346

Marlborough House Partners LLP


Marriott Harrison LLP 51.5176506 -0.1109735 17656

Marriott Harrison LLP



Marshalls 50.3735427 -4.1380361 24264



Martin And Associates 52.8898227 -4.4156783 25968

Martin And Associates



Martyn Prowel Ltd 51.48277059999999 -3.1709357 16590

Martyn Prowel Ltd


Masefield Solicitors LLP 52.0359827 -2.4198535 21804

Masefield Solicitors LLP


Mason Hayes Limited 53.3269713 -2.2403508 19538

Mason Hayes Limited


Matthew Needham Limited 52.7229515 -1.3657925 18886

Matthew Needham Limited


Matwala Vyas LLP 51.56321459999999 0.09763999999999999 23687

Matwala Vyas LLP


Maurice Turnor Gardner LLP 51.5200988 -0.0911102 20735

Maurice Turnor Gardner LLP


Max Partners Law Firm Limited 51.5051437 -0.1463381 31108

Max Partners Law Firm Limited


Maxwell Solicitors Limited 51.5590971 0.08424129999999999 13845

Maxwell Solicitors Limited


Mayer Brown International LLP 51.5209053 -0.0793719 23941

Mayer Brown International LLP


Mcdermott Will & Emery Uk LLP 51.51628220000001 -0.08096439999999999 23216

Mcdermott Will & Emery Uk LLP


Mcgrath Elliot Limited 51.4871426 -0.0196318 19203

Mcgrath Elliot Limited


Mcguirewoods London LLP 51.5135761 -0.1031145 23563

Mcguirewoods London LLP


Mckenzie Law Limited 52.7072693 -2.7513093 21802

Mckenzie Law Limited


Mclellans 51.7971174 -0.0800568 18528


