
Top 10 Money & Tax Solicitors in Nottingham

Here you can see the best Money & Tax solicitors in Nottingham. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating


Eversheds Sutherland (international) LLP 52.9489322 -1.1447222 23815

Eversheds Sutherland (international) LLP



Shoosmiths LLP 52.94817099999999 -1.1415975 17377

Shoosmiths LLP



Charles Newton & Co 53.017134 -1.3047846 24242

Charles Newton & Co



Buckles Solicitors LLP 52.9511242 -1.1522155 23173

Buckles Solicitors LLP



Ives And Co Solicitors Limited 52.8919659 -1.1495476 29589

Ives And Co Solicitors Limited


Ascent Performance Group Limited 52.9548852 -1.1552633 53985

Ascent Performance Group Limited


Ashton Bond Gigg 52.9525987 -1.151036 25737

Ashton Bond Gigg


A W Fyson Limited 52.95159959999999 -1.1433456 14506

A W Fyson Limited


C M Yardley Limited 52.9515996 -1.1433456 14806

C M Yardley Limited


J D Allen Limited 52.95159959999999 -1.1433456 20982

J D Allen Limited


Kpmg LLP 52.9532305 -1.1551765 15196

Kpmg LLP


Larkman Lodh Solicitors 52.9290961 -1.1039505 20657

Larkman Lodh Solicitors


Legal Recoveries & Collections Limited 52.95451380000001 -1.1435559 15274

Legal Recoveries & Collections Limited


Phillips 52.9682712 -1.1604373 25920



Roythornes Limited 52.9519803 -1.1563469 19402

Roythornes Limited


S Fennemore Limited 52.8996815 -1.2722795 14328

S Fennemore Limited

