
Top 10 Solicitors in Lincoln

Here you can see the best solicitors in Lincoln. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Donovan Newton Limited 53.2268996 -0.5464648 28958

Donovan Newton Limited


E A Sharpe Limited 53.2297986 -0.5392113 16349

E A Sharpe Limited


Fletcher Longstaff Limited 53.2040132 -0.6011456 43936

Fletcher Longstaff Limited


Helen Derry Ltd 53.2297986 -0.5392113 18406

Helen Derry Ltd


James Conduit Ltd 53.2297986 -0.5392113 28502

James Conduit Ltd


Jgqc Solicitors Limited 53.2656649 -0.488539 17883

Jgqc Solicitors Limited


John A Knight Limited 53.2297135 -0.5396037 21658

John A Knight Limited


Jonathan Goodwin Ltd 53.2297986 -0.5392113 30438

Jonathan Goodwin Ltd


Karen Bower-brown Ltd 53.2297986 -0.5392113 18405

Karen Bower-brown Ltd


Legal Services Lincolnshire (Trading) Ltd 53.231531 -0.5456245 42857

Legal Services Lincolnshire (Trading) Ltd


Malachy Mcgill Ltd 53.2297986 -0.5392113 28504

Malachy Mcgill Ltd


Maureen Hayes Ltd 53.2297986 -0.5392113 28505

Maureen Hayes Ltd


Streets Law Ltd 53.2294327 -0.5447415999999999 29974

Streets Law Ltd

