
Top 10 IT & Intellectual Property Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best IT & Intellectual Property solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Mbc Law Limited 52.4837914 -1.8959215 18287

Mbc Law Limited


Mb Solicitors Limited 53.7933762 -1.5428125 21339

Mb Solicitors Limited


M C A Killin Limited 52.7466306 -1.4743763 20584

M C A Killin Limited


Mcconnell Law Limited 51.43779970000001 -0.3360769 17498

Mcconnell Law Limited


Mcdermott Will & Emery Uk LLP 51.51628220000001 -0.08096439999999999 23216

Mcdermott Will & Emery Uk LLP


Mcevedys Solicitors & Attorneys Ltd 51.506553 -0.1350793 18126

Mcevedys Solicitors & Attorneys Ltd


Mcfaddens LLP 51.5171678 -0.0911463 22448

Mcfaddens LLP


Mcguirewoods London LLP 51.5135761 -0.1031145 23563

Mcguirewoods London LLP


Mckenzie Law Limited 52.7072693 -2.7513093 21802

Mckenzie Law Limited


Mct Law Limited 51.4871273 -3.1767652 16711

Mct Law Limited


Milbank LLP 51.5156643 -0.09491329999999999 25217

Milbank LLP



Milberg Ltd 52.5790359 -0.2106226 16171

Milberg Ltd


Millbank Solicitors 51.5256038 -0.1045176 24142

Millbank Solicitors


Mincoffs Solicitors LLP 54.981928 -1.6042322 20302

Mincoffs Solicitors LLP


Mirkwood Evans Vincent Ltd 51.5273769 -0.089289 19125

Mirkwood Evans Vincent Ltd


Mishcon De Reya LLP 51.5171033 -0.1194423 14296

Mishcon De Reya LLP


Mitchells Solicitors LLP 53.4077588 -2.2586318 22259

Mitchells Solicitors LLP


M Law LLP 51.5197023 -0.1568407 20038



Moorcrofts LLP 51.5722829 -0.7660783 23221

Moorcrofts LLP


Moore Commercial Law Limited 54.6069272 -3.3788794 13323

Moore Commercial Law Limited



Moore Kingston Smith LLP 51.5233055 -0.0980829 14651

Moore Kingston Smith LLP


Moore Law Ltd 50.86436399999999 -0.0828317 17665

Moore Law Ltd


Morgan Laroche Limited 51.6515322 -3.9139062 22923

Morgan Laroche Limited


Morgan Lewis & Bockius Uk LLP 51.5133899 -0.0998573 15236

Morgan Lewis & Bockius Uk LLP


Morgan Rose Solicitors Limited 51.51748449999999 -0.1129406 15804

Morgan Rose Solicitors Limited


Morgan Sports Law Limited 51.5041762 -0.079744 13364

Morgan Sports Law Limited


Morrison & Foerster (uk) LLP 51.5133777 -0.0817627 24564

Morrison & Foerster (uk) LLP


Morton Legal Limited 53.93782230000001 -1.1101027 27978

Morton Legal Limited


Mossop & Bowser 52.8050981 0.0096854 26612

Mossop & Bowser


M Taher & Co Ltd 51.5131437 -0.08260959999999999 14922

M Taher & Co Ltd

