
Top 10 IT & Intellectual Property Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best IT & Intellectual Property solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Curtis Mallet-prevost Colt & Mosle LLP 51.5153216 -0.0904308 23962

Curtis Mallet-prevost Colt & Mosle LLP


Dac Beachcroft LLP 51.51197519999999 -0.09047909999999999 30614

Dac Beachcroft LLP


Dass Legal Solutions (mk) Law Ltd 52.04196 -0.7633361 17683

Dass Legal Solutions (mk) Law Ltd


David Goodman & Co 51.51834729999999 -0.1359668 25795

David Goodman & Co


David Isaacs 51.527638 -0.9075486 25498

David Isaacs


David Price Qc 51.5136771 -0.1104893 25439

David Price Qc


David Skinner Consulting Limited 50.6864654 -2.1085517 30815

David Skinner Consulting Limited


David Wyld & Co Solicitors 51.513366 -0.1045788 15852

David Wyld & Co Solicitors


Dechert (luxembourg) LLP 51.5122635 -0.1025781 15638

Dechert (luxembourg) LLP


Decimus Fearon LLP 51.4999598 -0.1594527 17962

Decimus Fearon LLP

(0) Limited 51.4131502 -1.3245302 14126 Limited


Deepdene Road Services Limited 51.4587454 -0.0946212 17364

Deepdene Road Services Limited


Dickins Shiebert Limited 51.6941576 -0.1772391 21549

Dickins Shiebert Limited


Digitallawuk Ltd 53.5555353 -1.4802892 15875

Digitallawuk Ltd


Dixcart Legal Limited 51.3727701 -0.4744431 15648

Dixcart Legal Limited


Dixon Phillips Limited 52.1978018 0.1285657 20831

Dixon Phillips Limited


Djm Law Limited 51.6694448 -3.9117112 23743

Djm Law Limited


Dla Piper International LLP 51.51874549999999 -0.09743439999999999 23694

Dla Piper International LLP


Dla Piper Uk LLP 51.51874549999999 -0.09743439999999999 23530

Dla Piper Uk LLP



Dodds Solicitors LLP 52.6327667 -1.1368033 18221

Dodds Solicitors LLP


Dominic Mills Ltd 52.1380917 -0.462091 17033

Dominic Mills Ltd


Dorsey & Whitney (europe) LLP 51.5202521 -0.0795723 18933

Dorsey & Whitney (europe) LLP



Downs Solicitors LLP 51.2326174 -0.3298095 22455

Downs Solicitors LLP


Drew & Co 51.13987669999999 -2.4575807 24345

Drew & Co



Druces LLP 51.5176168 -0.08779800000000001 21392

Druces LLP


Duane Morris 51.5194266 -0.089596 24410

Duane Morris


Duncan A Pickering 52.7635014 -0.3762861 24588

Duncan A Pickering



Eddowes Waldron 52.9206152 -1.4767498 25919

Eddowes Waldron


Edison Law 51.4445172 -0.2079764 20652

Edison Law


Edmans Legal Ltd 51.5185008 -0.1123941 30058

Edmans Legal Ltd

