
Top 10 IT & Intellectual Property Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best IT & Intellectual Property solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Activemind Legal Uk Ltd 51.5172926 -0.0982757 29934

Activemind Legal Uk Ltd


Addleshaw Goddard LLP 51.5203999 -0.090276 22642

Addleshaw Goddard LLP


A Holt Limited 51.5571173 -0.0939819 13237

A Holt Limited


Aj Legal Consultants Ltd 51.5622405 0.0684219 27636

Aj Legal Consultants Ltd


Akin Gump LLP 51.5198109 -0.0773423 24691

Akin Gump LLP


Alcott Solicitors Limited 51.5213988 -0.04771069999999999 15387

Alcott Solicitors Limited



Allan Janes LLP 51.6280151 -0.7458142999999999 23582

Allan Janes LLP


Allen & Overy Llp 51.5198109 -0.0773423 31340

Allen & Overy Llp


Alpha Lexis Law Firm 51.64372909999999 -0.2982701 20770

Alpha Lexis Law Firm


Alston Asquith Limited 51.51875219999999 -0.088986 28359

Alston Asquith Limited


Amanda Doyle Law Services Limited 51.5479343 -2.5827902 20012

Amanda Doyle Law Services Limited


Amd Solicitors Limited 51.4847997 -2.6119975 23707

Amd Solicitors Limited


Amsterdam & Partners LLP 51.50384099999999 -0.1495126 20856

Amsterdam & Partners LLP


Andco Law Ltd 51.44439939999999 0.054511 14153

Andco Law Ltd


Anderson Law LLP 51.6057312 -1.1144652 18499

Anderson Law LLP


Andrew Giles 51.6196576 -0.8371476999999999 14242

Andrew Giles


Andrew Holland Law Limited 53.8999427 -1.94962 23646

Andrew Holland Law Limited


Andy Stinson Solicitor 51.45173579999999 -0.1636525 24305

Andy Stinson Solicitor


Angela Jackson Solicitor 51.5396473 -0.1076834 25115

Angela Jackson Solicitor


Angular Legal Limited 51.5161837 -0.1481188 31178

Angular Legal Limited


Anp Solicitors Limited 51.5577414 0.5988179 20409

Anp Solicitors Limited



Anthony Collins Solicitors LLP 52.48163899999999 -1.9020078 515

Anthony Collins Solicitors LLP


Anthony Harris & Co 50.75215739999999 -1.6578893 24840

Anthony Harris & Co



Anthony Ogunfeibo & Co 51.4747275 -0.0953089 24948

Anthony Ogunfeibo & Co


Antinghams Solicitors 51.53854399999999 -0.9045479999999998 22521

Antinghams Solicitors


Appleby Shaw Limited 51.4788213 -0.6131789999999999 19471

Appleby Shaw Limited



A & P Solicitors Limited 51.577237 -0.3702301 27839

A & P Solicitors Limited


Archerfield Partners LLP 51.5010012 -0.1309114 19345

Archerfield Partners LLP


Armadillo Legal Limited 51.9491361 -0.2763587 14497

Armadillo Legal Limited


Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer (uk) LLP 51.5152902 -0.0840905 24772

Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer (uk) LLP

