Top 10 IT & Intellectual Property Solicitors in the UK
Here you can see the best IT & Intellectual Property solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!
Heald Nickinson
6 reviews
Ranked #329 out of 1055 IT & Intellectual Property solicitor firms in the UK
Lyons Davidson Limited
27 reviews
Ranked #330 out of 1055 IT & Intellectual Property solicitor firms in the UK
Radius Law Limited
5 reviews
Ranked #331 out of 1055 IT & Intellectual Property solicitor firms in the UK
Seddons Law LLP
8 reviews
Ranked #332 out of 1055 IT & Intellectual Property solicitor firms in the UK
Blackfords LLP
5 reviews
Ranked #333 out of 1055 IT & Intellectual Property solicitor firms in the UK
Das Law Limited
33 reviews
Ranked #334 out of 1055 IT & Intellectual Property solicitor firms in the UK
McDaniels Law
11 reviews
Ranked #335 out of 1055 IT & Intellectual Property solicitor firms in the UK
Rebel Law Ltd
5 reviews
Ranked #336 out of 1055 IT & Intellectual Property solicitor firms in the UK
Adams & Remers LLP
8 reviews
Ranked #337 out of 1055 IT & Intellectual Property solicitor firms in the UK

Camerons Solicitors LLP
0 reviews
Unranked # out of 1055 IT & Intellectual Property solicitor firms in the UK
Davis Blank Furniss LLP
16 reviews
Ranked #339 out of 1055 IT & Intellectual Property solicitor firms in the UK
Dmh Stallard LLP
18 reviews
Ranked #340 out of 1055 IT & Intellectual Property solicitor firms in the UK
Edmondson Hall
3 reviews
Ranked #341 out of 1055 IT & Intellectual Property solicitor firms in the UK
Value for money - EXCELLENT
"Manager from Oaklands Care Home"
- 01/07/2024
"Excellent and Professional services. "
- 01/10/2019
Edmondson Hall have IT & Intellectual Property solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.
Total solicitors: 0

Glanvilles LLP
2 reviews
Ranked #343 out of 1055 IT & Intellectual Property solicitor firms in the UK
Gunnercooke LLP
22 reviews
Ranked #344 out of 1055 IT & Intellectual Property solicitor firms in the UK
Mbm Commercial
2 reviews
Ranked #345 out of 1055 IT & Intellectual Property solicitor firms in the UK

Platinum Partnership Solicitors
2 reviews
Ranked #346 out of 1055 IT & Intellectual Property solicitor firms in the UK
Value for money - EXCELLENT
"Exceptional Experience"
- 24/03/2025
"Excellent service"
- 24/03/2025
Platinum Partnership Solicitors have IT & Intellectual Property solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.
Total solicitors: 0
Rich & Carr Limited
3 reviews
Ranked #347 out of 1055 IT & Intellectual Property solicitor firms in the UK
Russell - Cooke LLP
12 reviews
Ranked #348 out of 1055 IT & Intellectual Property solicitor firms in the UK
Shentons Solicitors
7 reviews
Ranked #349 out of 1055 IT & Intellectual Property solicitor firms in the UK

Wallace Robinson & Morgan Limited
2 reviews
Ranked #350 out of 1055 IT & Intellectual Property solicitor firms in the UK

Acumen Law Limited
3 reviews
Ranked #351 out of 1055 IT & Intellectual Property solicitor firms in the UK
Austin Kemp Solicitors Limited
10 reviews
Ranked #352 out of 1055 IT & Intellectual Property solicitor firms in the UK
Darton Law Limited
2 reviews
Ranked #353 out of 1055 IT & Intellectual Property solicitor firms in the UK
Duthie & Co LLP
3 reviews
Ranked #354 out of 1055 IT & Intellectual Property solicitor firms in the UK
Gordon And Thompson Ltd
4 reviews
Ranked #355 out of 1055 IT & Intellectual Property solicitor firms in the UK
Harcus Parker Limited
7 reviews
Ranked #356 out of 1055 IT & Intellectual Property solicitor firms in the UK

Hill Dickinson LLP
2 reviews
Ranked #357 out of 1055 IT & Intellectual Property solicitor firms in the UK
LegalEx Solicitors
2 reviews
Ranked #358 out of 1055 IT & Intellectual Property solicitor firms in the UK
Value for money - EXCELLENT
"Highly recommended to everyone this Lawyers have good experience "
- 02/09/2024
"Insurance claims"
- 22/08/2024
LegalEx Solicitors have IT & Intellectual Property solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.
Total solicitors: 1