
Top 10 IT & Intellectual Property Solicitors in West Yorkshire

Here you can see the best IT & Intellectual Property solicitors in West Yorkshire. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating


Austin Kemp Solicitors Limited 53.7993387 -1.5460726 20496

Austin Kemp Solicitors Limited



Lupton Fawcett LLP 53.7985675 -1.5489352 22793

Lupton Fawcett LLP



Bury & Walkers LLP 53.79881640000001 -1.5458201 20795

Bury & Walkers LLP



Hill Dickinson Llp 53.7975213 -1.5479747 31370

Hill Dickinson Llp



Berwins Solicitors Limited 53.7948691 -1.5468882 30267

Berwins Solicitors Limited



Brabners Llp

5 reviews

Ranked #36 out of 71 IT & Intellectual Property solicitor firms in West Yorkshire

Brabners Llp 53.7969438 -1.5473737 39046 Brabners Llp

Brabners Llp



Excello Law Limited 53.7992114 -1.5489278 43418

Excello Law Limited



Bevan Brittan LLP 53.796992 -1.5482385 23384

Bevan Brittan LLP



Lewis Silkin Llp 53.798555 -1.5527916 40177

Lewis Silkin Llp



Mills & Reeve LLP

3 reviews

Ranked #40 out of 71 IT & Intellectual Property solicitor firms in West Yorkshire

Mills & Reeve LLP 53.7969438 -1.5473737 21996 Mills & Reeve LLP

Mills & Reeve LLP



Shoosmiths LLP 53.7948691 -1.5468882 17371

Shoosmiths LLP



Freeths LLP

13 reviews

Ranked #42 out of 71 IT & Intellectual Property solicitor firms in West Yorkshire

Freeths LLP 53.7970827 -1.5556917 23760 Freeths LLP

Freeths LLP



Weightmans Llp 53.7946671 -1.55385 36840

Weightmans Llp



Gordons LLP 53.7910997 -1.7448899 4220

Gordons LLP



Lcf Law Limited 53.7910997 -1.7448899 14909

Lcf Law Limited



Needle Partners Limited 53.8256064 -1.5286524 7306

Needle Partners Limited



Schofield Sweeney LLP 53.7950774 -1.7472492 23913

Schofield Sweeney LLP


Addleshaw Goddard LLP 53.7961049 -1.5497251 22640

Addleshaw Goddard LLP


Andrew Holland Law Limited 53.8999427 -1.94962 23646

Andrew Holland Law Limited


Awb Charlesworth Solicitors Limited

0 reviews

Unranked # out of 71 IT & Intellectual Property solicitor firms in West Yorkshire

Awb Charlesworth Solicitors Limited 53.8663676 -1.9094389 27785 Awb Charlesworth Solicitors Limited

Awb Charlesworth Solicitors Limited


Bailoran Limited 53.8307968 -1.5390019 16537

Bailoran Limited



Blakeley Solicitors 53.7906518 -1.8531959 19971

Blakeley Solicitors



Capsticks Solicitors LLP 53.796992 -1.5482385 20987

Capsticks Solicitors LLP


Dac Beachcroft Llp 53.798555 -1.5527916 31387

Dac Beachcroft Llp


Dla Piper Uk LLP 53.7955067 -1.5500307 23528

Dla Piper Uk LLP


Eldwick Law

0 reviews

Unranked # out of 71 IT & Intellectual Property solicitor firms in West Yorkshire

Eldwick Law 53.7978266 -1.7553701 28105 Eldwick Law

Eldwick Law


Gowling Wlg (Uk) Llp 53.7974146 -1.5468275 38647

Gowling Wlg (Uk) Llp


Hgf Law LLP 53.7891117 -1.546441 16686

Hgf Law LLP


Just Houses Limited 53.7966468 -1.6618295 17256

Just Houses Limited



Khan Mather Ltd 53.6566565 -1.7816225 33797

Khan Mather Ltd

