
Top 10 Immigration Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Immigration solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

A. Donamart Solicitors 51.5448041 -0.0755604 31068

A. Donamart Solicitors


Advisa Solicitors 51.515667 -0.1438736 21136

Advisa Solicitors



Ag Solicitors Ltd 53.455808 -2.1995745 14763

Ag Solicitors Ltd


A H Christie Legal LLP 51.49376059999999 -0.1753472 18512

A H Christie Legal LLP


Ahmad & Williams Solicitors Limited 52.4886522 -1.85114 22810

Ahmad & Williams Solicitors Limited


Ainsley Harris Limited 51.6280055 -0.7474470999999999 19482

Ainsley Harris Limited


Aja Solicitors 51.5957189 -0.0681608 20891

Aja Solicitors


Aj Legal Consultants Ltd 51.5622405 0.0684219 27636

Aj Legal Consultants Ltd


Ajo Solicitors 53.39553069999999 -2.9694715 17985

Ajo Solicitors


Aj Reubens Solicitors Ltd 51.4282436 -0.1007958 29787

Aj Reubens Solicitors Ltd


Akin Gump LLP 51.5198109 -0.0773423 24691

Akin Gump LLP


Akin Palmer LLP 51.5297369 -0.1015201 20120

Akin Palmer LLP


Alam Law Ltd 53.7198353 -1.8632447 28346

Alam Law Ltd


Alcott Solicitors Limited 51.5213988 -0.04771069999999999 15387

Alcott Solicitors Limited



Alderman Solicitors 53.47989639999999 -2.2522298 22577

Alderman Solicitors


Alexander Christian 51.5843089 -0.3590683 22494

Alexander Christian



Alfred James & Co Solicitors LLP

1 review

Ranked #1093 out of 2003 Immigration solicitor firms in the UK

Alfred James & Co Solicitors LLP 51.3497897 -0.1007099 21567 Alfred James & Co Solicitors LLP

Alfred James & Co Solicitors LLP


Allen & Overy Llp 51.5198109 -0.0773423 31340

Allen & Overy Llp


Alliance Solicitors 51.5410072 -0.2021552 24121

Alliance Solicitors


Allied Solicitors Limited 53.44173980000001 -2.1893316 356

Allied Solicitors Limited


Allison Solicitors 51.7291049 0.4565471 22346

Allison Solicitors


Alston Asquith Limited 51.51875219999999 -0.088986 28359

Alston Asquith Limited


Aminu Aminu Solicitors

0 reviews

Unranked # out of 2003 Immigration solicitor firms in the UK

Aminu Aminu Solicitors have 2 Immigration solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Aminu Aminu Solicitors 51.4769997 -0.0912541 27939 Aminu Aminu Solicitors

Aminu Aminu Solicitors


Amirthan & Suresh Solicitors 51.5463814 -0.2977941 30846

Amirthan & Suresh Solicitors


Amj Legal Solicitors Limited 51.4643714 -0.3628523 29946

Amj Legal Solicitors Limited


Amsterdam & Partners LLP 51.50384099999999 -0.1495126 20856

Amsterdam & Partners LLP


Andco Law Ltd 51.44439939999999 0.054511 14153

Andco Law Ltd



Anderson Browne Solicitors Ltd 51.5409292 9.450999999999998E-4 18743

Anderson Browne Solicitors Ltd


Andrea Law Limited 50.4733788 -3.5365422 17113

Andrea Law Limited


Ankamah Russell Law LLP 51.3681129 -0.09983339999999999 28439

Ankamah Russell Law LLP

