
Top 10 Immigration Solicitors in Greater London

Here you can see the best Immigration solicitors in Greater London. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Brahams Dutt Badrick French LLP 51.5142323 -0.0923686 17309

Brahams Dutt Badrick French LLP


Brian Harris & Co 51.5182486 -0.1513213 26017

Brian Harris & Co


Brion & Co 51.5176564 -0.1225329 24502

Brion & Co


Bristows LLP 51.5117372 -0.1050644 16763

Bristows LLP


Britannia Solicitors Ltd 51.5593577 0.0682045 13353

Britannia Solicitors Ltd


Brit Solicitors Ltd 51.5191743 -0.0610668 29951

Brit Solicitors Ltd


Broad Street Solicitors 51.3993021 -0.075255 14049

Broad Street Solicitors


Brown Rudnick LLP 51.51100899999999 -0.142175 24133

Brown Rudnick LLP


Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP 51.510341 -0.08885209999999999 22896

Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP


Burges Salmon LLP 51.5159657 -0.1085354 28965

Burges Salmon LLP



Cale Solicitors 51.4730708 -0.0181389 21174

Cale Solicitors


Calices Solicitors 51.5148696 -0.0694072 18580

Calices Solicitors



Callistes 51.459816 -0.1253249 24145



Campbell Chambers Solicitors 51.5150356 -0.1138777 15018

Campbell Chambers Solicitors


Campbell Johnston Clark Limited 51.5123156 -0.0726858 16514

Campbell Johnston Clark Limited


Campbell-taylor Solicitors 51.5707606 -0.094764 24943

Campbell-taylor Solicitors


Canbolat Limited 51.6150976 -0.0648825 18214

Canbolat Limited


Candey Parker Legal Services Limited 51.5182709 -0.1026023 17663

Candey Parker Legal Services Limited


Capital Law Limited 51.525616 -0.08643930000000001 22752

Capital Law Limited


Capital Solicitors LLP 51.5232647 -0.0110446 18342

Capital Solicitors LLP



Capsticks Solicitors LLP 51.4210524 -0.2077581 20989

Capsticks Solicitors LLP


Cardium Law Limited 51.5119208 -0.1063176 28395

Cardium Law Limited


Carl Martin Solicitors 51.5634491 0.0692414 21289

Carl Martin Solicitors



Carlsons Solicitors Limited 51.6301168 -0.1738977 18994

Carlsons Solicitors Limited


Carter Lemon Camerons LLP 51.5170293 -0.09645619999999999 21135

Carter Lemon Camerons LLP


Carter Perry Bailey LLP 51.511678 -0.0776703 20647

Carter Perry Bailey LLP


Carter-ruck 51.5168976 -0.107214 27242



Cassadys Limited

0 reviews

Unranked # out of 1233 Immigration solicitor firms in Greater London

Cassadys Limited have Immigration solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Cassadys Limited 51.514279 -0.11045 15645 Cassadys Limited

Cassadys Limited


Caytons Law 51.51273020000001 -0.0842699 20630

Caytons Law



Chancery Cs Solicitors

1 review

Ranked #655 out of 1233 Immigration solicitor firms in Greater London

Value for money - POOR

Chancery Cs Solicitors have 1 Immigration solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Chancery Cs Solicitors 51.5457954 0.021855 16497 Chancery Cs Solicitors

Chancery Cs Solicitors

