
Top 10 Human rights Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Human rights solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Law Tribe 53.1022841 -2.4307688 15955

Law Tribe


Leeds Legal Solutions Ltd 53.8087221 -1.5320155 18658

Leeds Legal Solutions Ltd


Lexsure Solicitors 51.51945689999999 -0.1603433 13129

Lexsure Solicitors


Lf Legal Limited 51.5221667 -0.1352487 27834

Lf Legal Limited


Lgss Law Ltd 52.3307391 -0.1854077 15071

Lgss Law Ltd



Lillywhite Williams & Co 51.56130109999999 0.1472412 14672

Lillywhite Williams & Co


Lincolns Solicitors Ltd 51.5372797 0.0363878 20532

Lincolns Solicitors Ltd


Linklaters LLP 51.5202958 -0.09216869999999999 22226

Linklaters LLP


Lionel Blackman Solicitors 51.3337253 -0.2675394 15033

Lionel Blackman Solicitors


Living Spring Solicitors 51.474445 -0.0217838 28436

Living Spring Solicitors



Londonium Chamber Limited 51.5154954 -0.0675503 14741

Londonium Chamber Limited



London Sol Limited 51.5860057 -0.0631741 28352

London Sol Limited


Lound Mulrenan Jefferies Solicitors 51.45845 -0.1141673 24692

Lound Mulrenan Jefferies Solicitors


Ls Legal Solicitors Ltd

0 reviews

Unranked # out of 747 Human rights solicitor firms in the UK

Ls Legal Solicitors Ltd 51.5171526 -0.08579959999999999 14276 Ls Legal Solicitors Ltd

Ls Legal Solicitors Ltd


Mackintosh Law Limited 51.5039966 -0.0907746 18980

Mackintosh Law Limited


Mackrell. 51.510288 -0.1195068 25895



Magrath Sheldrick LLP 51.5155059 -0.1112496 21520

Magrath Sheldrick LLP


Mariel Irvine 51.5228828 -0.1047459 24070

Mariel Irvine


Markel Law LLP 53.48162050000001 -2.2443893 22252

Markel Law LLP


Martyn Hewett 51.1870089 1.2297128 6632

Martyn Hewett


Matthew Gold & Company Limited 51.6162839 -0.1771974 17400

Matthew Gold & Company Limited


Maudud Law Chambers Solicitors 51.514823 -0.0584123 30090

Maudud Law Chambers Solicitors


Maxwell Solicitors Limited 51.5590971 0.08424129999999999 13845

Maxwell Solicitors Limited


Mcallister Olivarius 51.5236135 -0.7218878999999999 20965

Mcallister Olivarius


Mck Solicitors Limited 51.6253478 -0.1518689 14324

Mck Solicitors Limited


Mdl Solicitors Ltd 51.3763334 -0.0966514 17633

Mdl Solicitors Ltd


Michael Aliz Solicitors 51.6587207 -0.0468168 13453

Michael Aliz Solicitors


Michael Purdon 54.9717474 -1.6129209 25242

Michael Purdon


Michael Stevens Solicitors 51.4755002 -0.0288915 14255

Michael Stevens Solicitors


Mishcon De Reya LLP 51.5171033 -0.1194423 14296

Mishcon De Reya LLP

