
Top 10 Housing & Property Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Housing & Property solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Thomas Harvey Legal Limited

0 reviews

Unranked # out of 4234 Housing & Property solicitor firms in the UK

Thomas Harvey Legal Limited 53.7955067 -1.5500307 47010 Thomas Harvey Legal Limited

Thomas Harvey Legal Limited


Thomashaywood Limited 51.1271981 0.2600286 18257

Thomashaywood Limited


Thomas Lindsey Brown & Co Ltd 51.5414372 0.7363615 13976

Thomas Lindsey Brown & Co Ltd


Thomas O'gorman Limited 52.549555 -1.8412601 17863

Thomas O'gorman Limited


Thomas Sanchez Solicitors Limited 51.3791339 -0.0863901 20264

Thomas Sanchez Solicitors Limited


Thompson Allen LLP 50.8243431 -0.1372484 22758

Thompson Allen LLP


Thompson & Jackson Solicitors LLP 50.3789255 -4.1373217 13659

Thompson & Jackson Solicitors LLP


Thompson Leatherdale 51.4526907 -0.9680711000000001 16721

Thompson Leatherdale



Thomson Hayton Winkley Limited 54.3301943 -2.747547200000001 20195

Thomson Hayton Winkley Limited


Thomson Webb & Corfield LLP 52.2524047 0.1054639 13962

Thomson Webb & Corfield LLP


Thos R Jones & Son 53.4704781 -3.0008114 25996

Thos R Jones & Son


Timms 52.9258082 -1.4781301 26348



Timothy J R Kirkhope 51.2413298 -0.3246659 24717

Timothy J R Kirkhope


Tkd Solicitors 51.519389 -0.1609469 24169

Tkd Solicitors


T.l.j. Law Limited 51.6643548 -3.8043485 19563

T.l.j. Law Limited


Tlsk Solicitors Limited 51.3328123 -0.7639327 14478

Tlsk Solicitors Limited


Tlt LLP 51.452873 -2.590458 23392



Tna Solicitors 51.0781199 1.1780382 14370

Tna Solicitors


Tonner Johns Ratti Limited 51.6189203 -3.9578494 13017

Tonner Johns Ratti Limited


Towis Solicitors 51.5422709 0.1474531 14179

Towis Solicitors


Towler Brown 51.2319526 -2.3203833 25082

Towler Brown


Town & Country Property Lawyers 51.8976285 -2.076949 10209

Town & Country Property Lawyers


Town Legal LLP 51.5162475 -0.0865438 27424

Town Legal LLP


Tp Law 51.5939839 -0.3808773 30076

Tp Law


Travers Smith LLP 51.51747330000001 -0.1033273 21109

Travers Smith LLP



Traymans LLP 51.5625842 -0.07379279999999999 20832

Traymans LLP


Trevor F Moore & Co 52.68678449999999 -1.3983597 26015

Trevor F Moore & Co


Trinity Law Solicitors 53.64821509999999 -1.7908941 22540

Trinity Law Solicitors


Trousset Fawcett Ltd 51.509266 -0.1371733 18261

Trousset Fawcett Ltd


True Solicitors LLP 54.9747627 -1.6173131 16411

True Solicitors LLP

