
Top 10 Housing & Property Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Housing & Property solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Progeny Law And Tax Limited 53.79736279999999 -1.5512557 14523

Progeny Law And Tax Limited


Progressive Stages Limited 51.5524832 -0.1278134 28430

Progressive Stages Limited


Prospect Law Ltd 52.8261518 -1.3107744 20154

Prospect Law Ltd


Protopapas LLP 51.5221667 -0.1352487 25550

Protopapas LLP


Prusinski Solicitors 52.7825523 -1.2031123 26277

Prusinski Solicitors


Prydis Legal Limited 50.7218369 -3.5254319 19169

Prydis Legal Limited


Pulham And Co 52.2154256 1.4919492 16652

Pulham And Co


Purdys Solicitors Limited 52.1262178 -0.031485 21546

Purdys Solicitors Limited


Pure Law LLP 51.6051052 0.2972933 21335

Pure Law LLP



Qlaw Legal Services Limited 51.2362609 -0.2053648 18648

Qlaw Legal Services Limited


Quadrant Law Limited 54.97569679999999 -1.6531431 15166

Quadrant Law Limited


Quality Solicitors Harris Waters 51.56134429999999 0.0860262 23031

Quality Solicitors Harris Waters



Queen's Park Solicitors 51.5405224 0.0831991 17829

Queen's Park Solicitors


Quercus Solicitors LLP 52.0578768 -1.3492363 17010

Quercus Solicitors LLP


Quills Solicitors 51.2671766 0.4751085 24447

Quills Solicitors


Quinn & Co 50.511251 -3.7661342 22916

Quinn & Co


Quinn Melville Barrow LLP 53.4077858 -2.9915616 22971

Quinn Melville Barrow LLP


Quintessence Solicitors 51.5241164 0.0965057 14140

Quintessence Solicitors



Rad Solicitors 51.4461747 0.2202668 27488

Rad Solicitors


Raegal Limited 51.5060166 -0.2592242 27820

Raegal Limited


Rahman & Co Solicitors Ltd 51.5841617 -0.0757096 14219

Rahman & Co Solicitors Ltd


Rai Solicitors 51.5138997 -0.5935665 23878

Rai Solicitors


Rajinder Singh & Co 52.6288344 -1.122845 24598

Rajinder Singh & Co


Ralli Solicitors LLP 53.480445 -2.2434182 19477

Ralli Solicitors LLP


Ralph & Co Solicitors LLP 50.41436969999999 -5.077169899999999 18859

Ralph & Co Solicitors LLP


Randall & Phillips LLP 51.4658553 -0.2664859 16493

Randall & Phillips LLP



Range Solicitors 53.4519583 -2.2573345 17957

Range Solicitors


Ranjha Law Chambers 51.5457954 0.021855 17345

Ranjha Law Chambers


Ranson Houghton LLP 51.2062764 -1.4800519 17571

Ranson Houghton LLP


Raphael Law Limited 51.603245 -0.2711056 14889

Raphael Law Limited

