
Top 10 Housing & Property Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Housing & Property solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Horsforth Law Practice 53.8465065 -1.6324124 23662

Horsforth Law Practice


Horsley Holdings Ltd 52.8155484 -2.1206253 13622

Horsley Holdings Ltd


Hotchkiss Warburton 50.79060140000001 -3.6608817 25391

Hotchkiss Warburton


Houldsworth Hall Limited 53.8723693 -2.3884249 16768

Houldsworth Hall Limited


Howard & Co Solicitors Llp 53.5570301 -1.4850864 38182

Howard & Co Solicitors Llp


Howard Fitton Solicitors 53.3804801 -2.47906 24661

Howard Fitton Solicitors


Howard Pollok & Webb 52.6307296 1.2965659 26292

Howard Pollok & Webb


Howat Avraam Limited 51.5143718 -0.1078375 15514

Howat Avraam Limited


Howell Jones And Company Limited 53.1393589 -3.7999091 16813

Howell Jones And Company Limited


Howman Solicitors 51.5164743 -0.141477 22228

Howman Solicitors


Hoxtons Solicitors 51.6328209 0.0085126 24333

Hoxtons Solicitors


Hpa Solicitors Ltd 53.7513458 -2.4831039 19325

Hpa Solicitors Ltd


Hsh Solicitors 51.5806919 0.1783367 18686

Hsh Solicitors


Hubers Law Partners 51.5141528 -0.0712102 14232

Hubers Law Partners


Hudson & Co 51.5191247 -0.1131611 25782

Hudson & Co


Hudson Morgan Williams Limited 51.6515424 -0.07972409999999999 16338

Hudson Morgan Williams Limited



Hudsons Solicitors Ltd 50.8543525 -1.1738582 18281

Hudsons Solicitors Ltd


Hughes Parry Limited 53.27379490000001 -3.2220382 19870

Hughes Parry Limited



0 reviews

Unranked # out of 4234 Housing & Property solicitor firms in the UK

Involegal 51.4762395 -3.1808699 12759 Involegal



Hugh Williams Limited 51.8842223 -3.991461 22532

Hugh Williams Limited


Hujan & Co Solicitors 52.4508946 -1.8665553 22288

Hujan & Co Solicitors



Hunt And Hunt LLP 51.5770218 0.1832271 15595

Hunt And Hunt LLP


Hunter Peddell Property Law 51.36100580000001 -0.3482695 23447

Hunter Peddell Property Law


Hunters Law LLP 51.5153905 -0.1141369 28823

Hunters Law LLP


Hunters Solicitors LLP 51.5391681 0.6941414 16462

Hunters Solicitors LLP


Hunt & Wrigley 54.3409731 -1.4341519 26687

Hunt & Wrigley


Hurrell Solicitors 51.5366795 0.7620635 17856

Hurrell Solicitors


Husanes LLP 51.5129293 -0.0769426 13651

Husanes LLP


Husband Forwood Morgan 53.4079075 -2.9909777 26686

Husband Forwood Morgan


Huttons Law Limited 51.4852357 -3.1735048 14408

Huttons Law Limited

