
Top 10 Housing & Property Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Housing & Property solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating


Capsticks Solicitors LLP 51.4210524 -0.2077581 20989

Capsticks Solicitors LLP


Carl Martin Solicitors 51.5634491 0.0692414 21289

Carl Martin Solicitors



Carlsons Solicitors Limited 51.6301168 -0.1738977 18994

Carlsons Solicitors Limited


Caroline Abbott Limited 51.5206571 -0.0955842 17768

Caroline Abbott Limited


Carpenters Rose 51.6142377 -0.2477367 25670

Carpenters Rose


Carter Lemon Camerons LLP 51.5170293 -0.09645619999999999 21135

Carter Lemon Camerons LLP


Carter Vincent LLP 53.2306175 -4.1079916 17822

Carter Vincent LLP



Cartwright Cunningham Haselgrove & Co 51.5825146 -0.0188798 27239

Cartwright Cunningham Haselgrove & Co


Cartwright Solicitors Ltd 53.80890849999999 -1.7688362 15341

Cartwright Solicitors Ltd



Caswell Jones 51.5743377 -3.2191763 25655

Caswell Jones


Caversham Solicitors Limited 51.46738509999999 -0.9733974999999999 23703

Caversham Solicitors Limited


Cbs Law 51.9476649 -3.3896762 17791

Cbs Law


Ccw Law Solicitors Limited 51.8208517 -4.0058882 22468

Ccw Law Solicitors Limited


Cf Law Limited 53.2610947 -2.516956 15431

Cf Law Limited


Cg Professional Limited 53.6520817 -2.6309307 28103

Cg Professional Limited


Challenor Gardiner 51.7530315 -1.2608314 2022

Challenor Gardiner



Chambers Solicitors 51.539466 -0.6560172 24559

Chambers Solicitors



Chancellors Lea Brewer LLP 51.45789329999999 0.1368419 20499

Chancellors Lea Brewer LLP


Chancellors Solicitors 52.4640286 -1.8831921 13215

Chancellors Solicitors


Chandler Harris LLP 53.4781624 -2.2518429 22458

Chandler Harris LLP


Chandler's House Legal Ltd 51.4647741 -0.1283295 28695

Chandler's House Legal Ltd


Charles Allotey & Co 51.467335 -0.1181059 25146

Charles Allotey & Co


Charles Clarke & Co 51.4171172 -0.0567595 16915

Charles Clarke & Co


Charles Douglas Solicitors LLP 51.5101234 -0.1407699 18442

Charles Douglas Solicitors LLP


Charles Lyndon Limited 51.5105021 -0.0834063 14447

Charles Lyndon Limited


Charmax LLP 53.38908110000001 -2.3500273 16658

Charmax LLP


Chauncy & Co. Solicitors 51.5104371 -0.0837176 24549

Chauncy & Co. Solicitors



Cheesemans Solicitors

1 review

Ranked #2839 out of 4234 Housing & Property solicitor firms in the UK

Value for money - EXCELLENT

Cheesemans Solicitors have Housing & Property solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Cheesemans Solicitors 51.5170516 -0.1117478 17696 Cheesemans Solicitors

Cheesemans Solicitors



Cheethams Solicitors 52.7258546 -2.1177897 27226

Cheethams Solicitors


Chelian Law Solicitors

0 reviews

Unranked # out of 4234 Housing & Property solicitor firms in the UK

Chelian Law Solicitors 51.5936712 -0.3350304 28529 Chelian Law Solicitors

Chelian Law Solicitors

