
Top 10 Housing & Property Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Housing & Property solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Ascent Performance Group Limited 53.3860174 -1.4654255 17144

Ascent Performance Group Limited


A S Greenstreet Limited 51.72729 0.4727547 23844

A S Greenstreet Limited


Ashby Family Law Practice 52.9232029 -1.4805561 24798

Ashby Family Law Practice


Asher Broomfield 50.9960983 -1.4825693 21169

Asher Broomfield


Ashley Alexander Limited 52.68562259999999 -2.4423774 15375

Ashley Alexander Limited


Ashley-shaun & Kemp Solicitors 52.8982203 -1.866407 19261

Ashley-shaun & Kemp Solicitors


Ashley Taylors Legal Limited 50.9660228 0.08223 16291

Ashley Taylors Legal Limited



Ash Solicitors 51.4704487 -0.3672565 21854

Ash Solicitors


Ashton Bond Gigg 52.9525987 -1.151036 25737

Ashton Bond Gigg


Ashtons Solicitors Limited 51.5141707 -0.1233103 15343

Ashtons Solicitors Limited


Ashurst LLP 51.5188848 -0.075421 30611

Ashurst LLP



Askews Solicitors Limited 54.6191446 -1.0683542 15174

Askews Solicitors Limited


A.s.k. Legal LLP 51.9448133 -0.8814407 19998

A.s.k. Legal LLP


Ask Solicitors 51.5109613 -0.3747443 13947

Ask Solicitors



A.s. Matthews Limited 53.5412213 -2.307265 18351

A.s. Matthews Limited


Aspect Law Limited 52.4837753 -1.9092038 22297

Aspect Law Limited


Aspen Court Solicitors Limited 52.4680127 -1.8083592 22336

Aspen Court Solicitors Limited


Asserson Law Offices 51.516654 -0.1482871 19136

Asserson Law Offices


Astrea Law Practice Ltd 51.6253478 -0.1518689 14149

Astrea Law Practice Ltd


Astute Dynamic Ltd 51.4896105 -0.1226481 13275

Astute Dynamic Ltd


Atalaw Solicitors 51.6256614 -0.158661 14615

Atalaw Solicitors


Atanda Solicitors 51.4938307 -0.08444299999999999 23842

Atanda Solicitors


Atha & Co Solicitors 54.5739958 -1.2351221 27133

Atha & Co Solicitors


Athena Solicitors LLP 53.480445 -2.2434182 15789

Athena Solicitors LLP



Atkinson Firth Solicitors Limited

34 reviews

Ranked #2667 out of 4234 Housing & Property solicitor firms in the UK

Value for money - EXCELLENT


- 29/03/2025


- 29/03/2025

Atkinson Firth Solicitors Limited have Housing & Property solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Atkinson Firth Solicitors Limited 53.8342725 -1.7784062 33144 Atkinson Firth Solicitors Limited

Atkinson Firth Solicitors Limited



Atkinson Solicitors Ltd 51.5800152 -2.9948233 16065

Atkinson Solicitors Ltd


Atlee Chung & Company 51.5238126 -0.142072 24396

Atlee Chung & Company


Atm Law 51.5662973 0.1102777 22616

Atm Law


Augustins Ltd 51.6582419 -0.0582594 15775

Augustins Ltd



Austin Lafferty Limited

1 review

Ranked #2672 out of 4234 Housing & Property solicitor firms in the UK

Austin Lafferty Limited 55.7608272 -4.177579 34195 Austin Lafferty Limited

Austin Lafferty Limited

