
Top 10 Housing & Property Solicitors in West End

Here you can see the best Housing & Property solicitors in West End. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Charles Douglas Solicitors LLP 51.5101234 -0.1407699 18442

Charles Douglas Solicitors LLP


Currey & Co LLP 51.5178307 -0.147634 19672

Currey & Co LLP


David Goodman & Co 51.51834729999999 -0.1359668 25795

David Goodman & Co


Empass Law Limited

0 reviews

Unranked # out of 59 Housing & Property solicitor firms in West End

Empass Law Limited have Housing & Property solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 1

Empass Law Limited 51.5145346 -0.1439196 36915 Empass Law Limited

Empass Law Limited


Hamlins LLP 51.5161149 -0.1426303 22651

Hamlins LLP


Hammond Bale LLP 51.5088549 -0.143574 20574

Hammond Bale LLP


Howman Solicitors 51.5164743 -0.141477 22228

Howman Solicitors


Jackson Longe Limited 51.5098794 -0.1445595 53239

Jackson Longe Limited


Jaswal Johnston LLP 51.5176162 -0.1408972 21054

Jaswal Johnston LLP


Kingfields Solicitors Limited 51.5116372 -0.1416851 39721

Kingfields Solicitors Limited


Kts Legal Limited 51.51493960000001 -0.1433699 17977

Kts Legal Limited


Lee & Kan Solicitors 51.5128108 -0.1333249 16034

Lee & Kan Solicitors


Lt Law 51.5159503 -0.1316976 21119

Lt Law


Pearlmans Limited 51.51487410000001 -0.1330099 16585

Pearlmans Limited


Prospect Law Ltd 51.5107076 -0.1458621 20153

Prospect Law Ltd


Rmpi LLP 51.51232719999999 -0.1464881 23410

Rmpi LLP


Sabeers Stone Greene LLP 51.507242 -0.1429032 8791

Sabeers Stone Greene LLP


Sheridans 51.513182 -0.1334826 26434




Simons Muirhead & Burton LLP 51.5164903 -0.1353679 13670

Simons Muirhead & Burton LLP


Sparrow & Trieu 51.5119323 -0.1318043 25702

Sparrow & Trieu



The Burnside Partnership Solicitors Ltd 51.5136166 -0.140771 36428

The Burnside Partnership Solicitors Ltd


Trousset Fawcett Ltd 51.509266 -0.1371733 18261

Trousset Fawcett Ltd


Westkin Law Limited 51.5134341 -0.141407 28232

Westkin Law Limited

