
Top 10 Housing & Property Solicitors in Leicester

Here you can see the best Housing & Property solicitors in Leicester. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating


Premier Property Lawyers Limited 52.598378 -1.1913389 44057

Premier Property Lawyers Limited



Jones & Duffin Solicitors (leicester) Limited 52.626448 -1.1506671 31011

Jones & Duffin Solicitors (leicester) Limited



Howes Percival LLP 52.6024434 -1.1850478 22410

Howes Percival LLP



Panacea Solicitors

12 reviews

Ranked #38 out of 67 Housing & Property solicitor firms in Leicester

Value for money - EXCELLENT


- 08/01/2025


- 06/10/2023

Panacea Solicitors have Housing & Property solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 1

Panacea Solicitors 52.6325707 -1.1336373 14136 Panacea Solicitors

Panacea Solicitors



Bright Legal Solicitors Limited

9 reviews

Ranked #39 out of 67 Housing & Property solicitor firms in Leicester

Bright Legal Solicitors Limited 52.6288344 -1.122845 15806 Bright Legal Solicitors Limited

Bright Legal Solicitors Limited



Edward Hands & Lewis Limited 52.7003283 -1.068969 50374

Edward Hands & Lewis Limited



Wright Justice Solicitors Ltd 52.6418304 -1.0890075 29601

Wright Justice Solicitors Ltd



Acharyas 52.6482721 -1.1254567 25507




Wilson Browne LLP 52.63399159999999 -1.1371191 20491

Wilson Browne LLP



Excello Law Limited 52.6327767 -1.1332569 43417

Excello Law Limited



Lawson West Solicitors Limited 52.6118853 -1.1919615 18739

Lawson West Solicitors Limited



Smiths (solicitors) LLP

4 reviews

Ranked #46 out of 67 Housing & Property solicitor firms in Leicester

Smiths (solicitors) LLP 52.6302128 -1.1305595 27921 Smiths (solicitors) LLP

Smiths (solicitors) LLP



Freeths LLP

13 reviews

Ranked #47 out of 67 Housing & Property solicitor firms in Leicester

Freeths LLP 52.63383899999999 -1.1261139 23768 Freeths LLP

Freeths LLP



K4 Law Limited 52.6290087 -1.125752 18645

K4 Law Limited



Skr Legal Limited

10 reviews

Ranked #49 out of 67 Housing & Property solicitor firms in Leicester

Skr Legal Limited 52.625764 -1.1101421 14891 Skr Legal Limited

Skr Legal Limited



Hollingsworths Solicitors Limited

3 reviews

Ranked #50 out of 67 Housing & Property solicitor firms in Leicester

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"I recommend Greg and his team."

- 05/04/2023

"Thank you."

- 18/01/2023

Hollingsworths Solicitors Limited have Housing & Property solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Hollingsworths Solicitors Limited 52.6302128 -1.1305595 18821 Hollingsworths Solicitors Limited

Hollingsworths Solicitors Limited



Weightmans LLP 52.6288645 -1.1281061 22059

Weightmans LLP



Crystal Law Limited 52.6332846 -1.1277355 15168

Crystal Law Limited


Andrew Klimowicz Limited 52.6283784 -1.1219676 18923

Andrew Klimowicz Limited



Arton Law Limited 52.6267651 -1.1201748 37293

Arton Law Limited


Chetty & Patel 52.6262298 -1.1123044 25732

Chetty & Patel


Crane And Walton LLP 52.6279754 -1.1246055 17215

Crane And Walton LLP


Dipak Acharya & Co Solicitors 52.6520622 -1.1225281 23478

Dipak Acharya & Co Solicitors



Dodds Solicitors LLP 52.6327667 -1.1368033 18221

Dodds Solicitors LLP


Garrett Long Solicitors Limited 52.67181429999999 -1.1856953 4009

Garrett Long Solicitors Limited


Highcross Law (leicester) Ltd 52.640564 -1.1286104 16795

Highcross Law (leicester) Ltd


Matthew Needham Limited 52.6283784 -1.1219676 18884

Matthew Needham Limited


Oliver D'sa 52.6293477 -1.1315074 24752

Oliver D'sa


Philip J Hammond & Sons 52.6329313 -1.1371843 26820

Philip J Hammond & Sons


Rajinder Singh & Co 52.6288344 -1.122845 24598

Rajinder Singh & Co

