
Top 10 Housing & Property Solicitors in Holborn and Covent Garden

Here you can see the best Housing & Property solicitors in Holborn and Covent Garden. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating


Gsc Solicitors LLP 51.5186345 -0.1067384 20610

Gsc Solicitors LLP



Gulbenkian Andonian Solicitors Limited 51.5169972 -0.1225053 28149

Gulbenkian Andonian Solicitors Limited



Hunter Legal Limited 51.5202006 -0.1128314 36717

Hunter Legal Limited



Central Chambers Law Ltd 51.5179267 -0.114724 39891

Central Chambers Law Ltd



Cheesemans Solicitors

1 review

Ranked #40 out of 96 Housing & Property solicitor firms in Holborn and Covent Garden

Value for money - EXCELLENT

Cheesemans Solicitors have Housing & Property solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Cheesemans Solicitors 51.5170516 -0.1117478 17696 Cheesemans Solicitors

Cheesemans Solicitors



Edwin Coe LLP 51.5177318 -0.1143429 22160

Edwin Coe LLP



Khakhar & Co Solicitors Limited 51.5180643 -0.1143292 31392

Khakhar & Co Solicitors Limited



Law Lane Solicitors Limited 51.5170498 -0.1187847 37370

Law Lane Solicitors Limited



Lu Oliphant Solicitors LLP 51.5174879 -0.1245289 18068

Lu Oliphant Solicitors LLP


A H Christie Legal Llp 51.5199776 -0.1125204 47536

A H Christie Legal Llp


Arkas Law Limited 51.51910609999999 -0.1077688 30744

Arkas Law Limited


Ascent Performance Group Limited 51.5179277 -0.1064073 38879

Ascent Performance Group Limited


Asserson Law Offices 51.516654 -0.1482871 19136

Asserson Law Offices


A & Y Law Ltd 51.5174845 -0.1129406 13196

A & Y Law Ltd



Bindmans LLP

1 review

Ranked #50 out of 96 Housing & Property solicitor firms in Holborn and Covent Garden

Bindmans LLP 51.5237285 -0.114816 1206 Bindmans LLP

Bindmans LLP


Bower Cotton Hamilton LLP

0 reviews

Unranked # out of 96 Housing & Property solicitor firms in Holborn and Covent Garden

Bower Cotton Hamilton LLP have 5 Housing & Property solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Bower Cotton Hamilton LLP 51.5190086 -0.118254 15469 Bower Cotton Hamilton LLP

Bower Cotton Hamilton LLP



Bracher Rawlins LLP 51.5158307 -0.119711 22418

Bracher Rawlins LLP


Brion & Co 51.5176564 -0.1225329 24502

Brion & Co



Bs Solicitors Limited 51.5179754 -0.1121564 29575

Bs Solicitors Limited


Burton Woolf & Turk 51.5189847 -0.1067094 18864

Burton Woolf & Turk


Candey Limited 51.51722299999999 -0.1134559 15373

Candey Limited


Capital Law Limited 51.525616 -0.08643930000000001 22752

Capital Law Limited



City Law Firm Limited 51.5205125 -0.1161452 19536

City Law Firm Limited


Clintons 51.5137562 -0.121007 27200



Connaught Law Limited 51.5191846 -0.1117192 27620

Connaught Law Limited


Eversfield & Co 51.5127549 -0.1275624 25908

Eversfield & Co


Excello Law Limited 51.51439449999999 -0.1109209 28654

Excello Law Limited



Farrer & Co LLP 51.516459 -0.1190797 22380

Farrer & Co LLP


Fladgate LLP 51.516133 -0.1206209 21157

Fladgate LLP


FWJ Legal Limited

0 reviews

Unranked # out of 96 Housing & Property solicitor firms in Holborn and Covent Garden

FWJ Legal Limited 51.5238179 -0.1103146 16138 FWJ Legal Limited

FWJ Legal Limited

