
Top 10 Housing & Property Solicitors in Enfield

Here you can see the best Housing & Property solicitors in Enfield. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Augustins Ltd 51.6582419 -0.0582594 15775

Augustins Ltd


Barker Gooch & Swailes 51.6336352 -0.1037163 27111

Barker Gooch & Swailes


Brunswick Law Ltd. 51.6438103 -0.0593188 13530

Brunswick Law Ltd.


Canbolat Limited 51.6150976 -0.0648825 18214

Canbolat Limited


Clifton Day Solicitors Limited 51.6282295 -0.0523381 13469

Clifton Day Solicitors Limited



Fortis Rose Solicitors Ltd 51.611538 -0.0655105 18787

Fortis Rose Solicitors Ltd


Graham Fear & Co 51.6528994 -0.07732449999999999 26999

Graham Fear & Co


Groom Halliday 51.6341997 -0.1024789 18201

Groom Halliday


Hayat & Co 51.64443540000001 -0.0531835 24631

Hayat & Co


Hudson Morgan Williams Limited 51.6515424 -0.07972409999999999 16338

Hudson Morgan Williams Limited


Ismail And Co Ltd 51.6494557 -0.0576808 17282

Ismail And Co Ltd


Judith Maurice Solicitors 51.6242489 -0.0581652 21021

Judith Maurice Solicitors


Kirwans Solicitors 51.668794 -0.0325728 22369

Kirwans Solicitors


Kts Legal Limited 51.6176184 -0.1102242 17978

Kts Legal Limited


Michael Aliz Solicitors 51.6587207 -0.0468168 13453

Michael Aliz Solicitors


Moreland & Co Solicitors Limited 51.6419185 -0.07012900000000001 22621

Moreland & Co Solicitors Limited


Petrou & Co 51.6335278 -0.126711 24346

Petrou & Co


Resonance Law 51.5896375 -0.1055202 29838

Resonance Law



Rossides Caine Solicitors

1 review

Ranked #56 out of 61 Housing & Property solicitor firms in Enfield

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"Good solictior"

- 03/04/2020

Rossides Caine Solicitors have 1 Housing & Property solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Rossides Caine Solicitors 51.6182041 -0.1103978 27257 Rossides Caine Solicitors

Rossides Caine Solicitors


Roulla Georgiou Solicitor 51.6367835 -0.1408836 24484

Roulla Georgiou Solicitor


Shepherd Harris & Co Ltd 51.6548571 -0.08101499999999999 15290

Shepherd Harris & Co Ltd


Simmons Stein & Co 51.6010581 -0.1953657 25683

Simmons Stein & Co


Stennett And Stennett Ltd 51.6330105 -0.1252874 18037

Stennett And Stennett Ltd


Watermans 51.6090241 -0.112151 24308


