
Top 10 Housing & Property Solicitors in City of Westminster

Here you can see the best Housing & Property solicitors in City of Westminster. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Ashtons Solicitors Limited 51.5141707 -0.1233103 15343

Ashtons Solicitors Limited


A Williams & Co 51.5063982 -0.1446218 23666

A Williams & Co


Backhouse Jones Limited 51.4946917 -0.1373354 23343

Backhouse Jones Limited


Barnes Law Associates Ltd 51.507242 -0.1429032 30417

Barnes Law Associates Ltd


Begum & Co 51.5141707 -0.1233103 19869

Begum & Co


Bokhari & Co 51.519256 -0.168534 24648

Bokhari & Co


Boodle Hatfield LLP 51.5122474 -0.1454249 29339

Boodle Hatfield LLP


Brecher LLP 51.5132369 -0.1562802 13849

Brecher LLP


Brian Harris & Co 51.5182486 -0.1513213 26017

Brian Harris & Co


Brook Martin & Co 51.5203361 -0.1594097 27292

Brook Martin & Co



Callistes 51.5074728 -0.1420451 24143



Charles Douglas Solicitors LLP 51.5101234 -0.1407699 18442

Charles Douglas Solicitors LLP


Ch. Hausmann & Co 51.5201724 -0.1433156 24358

Ch. Hausmann & Co


Clifford Harris & Co 51.51786329999999 -0.1491317 26803

Clifford Harris & Co


Cruickshank Limited 51.5172192 -0.1504838 18004

Cruickshank Limited


Currey & Co LLP 51.5178307 -0.147634 19672

Currey & Co LLP


Dale And Dale Solicitors Ltd 51.51818069999999 -0.1498683 16169

Dale And Dale Solicitors Ltd


Dalir Ltd 51.51719 -0.1640767 27782

Dalir Ltd


David Goodman & Co 51.51834729999999 -0.1359668 25795

David Goodman & Co


Decimus Fearon LLP 51.4999598 -0.1594527 17962

Decimus Fearon LLP


Elizabeth Wong & Company 51.5108442 -0.128981 24838

Elizabeth Wong & Company


Empass Law Limited

0 reviews

Unranked # out of 184 Housing & Property solicitor firms in City of Westminster

Empass Law Limited have Housing & Property solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 1

Empass Law Limited 51.5145346 -0.1439196 36915 Empass Law Limited

Empass Law Limited


Fidlaw Ltd 51.5140436 -0.1555414 30763

Fidlaw Ltd


Fortune Green Legal Practice Limited 51.5102156 -0.1280333 18218

Fortune Green Legal Practice Limited


Freedman Green Dhokia 51.5372373 -0.1850869 31441

Freedman Green Dhokia


Freedman + Hilmi LLP 51.5155415 -0.1524398 17484

Freedman + Hilmi LLP


Freeman Box 51.5172434 -0.1503099 26969

Freeman Box



Fsl Solicitors Ltd 51.5213187 -0.1676008 27594

Fsl Solicitors Ltd


Gilchrist Solicitors 51.5157991 -0.1591026 24038

Gilchrist Solicitors


Grace & Co 51.51723620000001 -0.1515641 25972

Grace & Co

