
Top 10 Family Law Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Family Law solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating


Rutherfords Legal LLP 52.6267398 -1.7079476 17926

Rutherfords Legal LLP


Rutherford Solicitors 50.7953152 -1.0586506 21760

Rutherford Solicitors


Ruth Thomas & Co 52.096821 -4.0627283 22306

Ruth Thomas & Co


Sabeers Stone Greene LLP 51.507242 -0.1429032 8791

Sabeers Stone Greene LLP


S Abraham Solicitors 51.38442670000001 -0.293362 24405

S Abraham Solicitors


Sacker & Partners LLP 51.5150662 -0.0940735 23332

Sacker & Partners LLP


Sadique & Uddin Solicitors Ltd 52.4692514 -1.858124 29769

Sadique & Uddin Solicitors Ltd


Sadozai Solicitors Ltd 51.5846731 -0.3611591 15503

Sadozai Solicitors Ltd


Sage Solicitors 53.4011947 -2.9918294 29836

Sage Solicitors


Sai Solicitors & Advocates 51.55202440000001 -0.3012328 21686

Sai Solicitors & Advocates


Sa Law LLP 51.7532467 -0.3336366 23100

Sa Law LLP


Salena Dawson & Co 52.60094119999999 1.1756118 21026

Salena Dawson & Co


Salter Kelly 51.6196484 -3.9546304 26976

Salter Kelly


Samuel & Co 51.5186967 -0.1212361 24471

Samuel & Co



Samuel & Co Solicitors 51.5365584 0.0810714 23684

Samuel & Co Solicitors


Samuel Louis Solicitors 51.4753785 -0.023799 17725

Samuel Louis Solicitors


Samuel Ross Solicitors Ltd 51.477349 -0.1005856 13372

Samuel Ross Solicitors Ltd



Sanders Solicitors

2 reviews

Ranked #3565 out of 3840 Family Law solicitor firms in the UK

Sanders Solicitors 51.51855279999999 0.1898421 26455 Sanders Solicitors

Sanders Solicitors


Sandhill Solicitors 53.45579739999999 -2.2257026 24029

Sandhill Solicitors


Sandhu & Shah 51.54181990000001 0.0380038 24817

Sandhu & Shah


Sansbury Douglas 51.4533545 -2.600121 20117

Sansbury Douglas



Saunders & Partners LLP 51.5113936 -0.1082924 14442

Saunders & Partners LLP


Savage Crangle 53.9627405 -2.015556 26453

Savage Crangle


Saviours Solicitors 51.492964 0.092023 21433

Saviours Solicitors



Sayer Moore LLP 51.5163741 -0.2670896 14607

Sayer Moore LLP


Sb Solicitors Ltd 51.5143158 -0.0184102 14591

Sb Solicitors Ltd


Sbs Solicitors Limited 51.879531 -0.4178425 15429

Sbs Solicitors Limited


Scanlans (sunderland) Limited 54.9050114 -1.3798919 21866

Scanlans (sunderland) Limited


Schillings International LLP 51.5102583 -0.0881926 14679

Schillings International LLP


Scj Solicitors 53.1406827 -4.276026 15441

Scj Solicitors

