
Top 10 Family Law Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Family Law solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating


K & S @ Law Solicitors 51.48753259999999 0.0925367 22939

K & S @ Law Solicitors


Ksri Solicitors 51.58696330000001 -0.2145511 19145

Ksri Solicitors


Kts Legal Limited 51.6176184 -0.1102242 17978

Kts Legal Limited


La Borde And Associates 55.0375247 -1.461153 28179

La Borde And Associates


Lake Jackson 52.6184581 1.4826055 24354

Lake Jackson


Lake Legal Limited 53.7987271 -1.5531541 30675

Lake Legal Limited


Lambe Corner LLP 52.0537139 -2.7189864 13262

Lambe Corner LLP


Lamb & Holmes 52.3975441 -0.729787 26550

Lamb & Holmes


Lam & Meerabux Solicitors Limited 51.3788637 -0.0974086 21721

Lam & Meerabux Solicitors Limited


Lamptons Law Solicitors Limited 51.4668962 -0.3736892 14034

Lamptons Law Solicitors Limited


Land Graham Partnership LLP 51.5736978 -0.7749723 21647

Land Graham Partnership LLP



Landlord Action Ltd 51.659115 -0.253798 16044

Landlord Action Ltd


Lansdowne Legal 51.3395549 -1.7651613 26718

Lansdowne Legal


Latham & Watkins (london) LLP 51.51593829999999 -0.08247779999999999 24927

Latham & Watkins (london) LLP


Laurence Lee & Co 53.4243721 -2.9345057 27246

Laurence Lee & Co


Lawana & Co Solicitors 51.5088655 -0.0690414 21576

Lawana & Co Solicitors


Law And Property Lawyers Limited 51.67034229999999 -1.2847068 19337

Law And Property Lawyers Limited


Lawcommercial Trading Limited

0 reviews

Unranked # out of 3840 Family Law solicitor firms in the UK

Lawcommercial Trading Limited 50.8778101 -1.2519462 14410 Lawcommercial Trading Limited

Lawcommercial Trading Limited


Law Dale (london) Limited 51.51795079999999 -0.0637565 14365

Law Dale (london) Limited


Law Limited 51.5148337 -0.1074869 15805

Law Limited


Law Partnership 51.5881387 -0.3320482 24675

Law Partnership


Lawrence & Associates 51.48152959999999 -0.0174122 23914

Lawrence & Associates



Lawrence & Co Cds LLP 51.5234462 -0.1963746 21903

Lawrence & Co Cds LLP


Lawrence Reynolds Solicitors 52.4825518 -1.8097981 21200

Lawrence Reynolds Solicitors



Lawton Lawyers Ltd 53.5782387 -2.4262887 18246

Lawton Lawyers Ltd


Law Tribe 53.1022841 -2.4307688 15955

Law Tribe


Law Wise Solicitors Limited 51.5446505 0.0047283 29784

Law Wise Solicitors Limited

(0) 53.8283134 -3.0305642 25569


Ldj Solicitors

0 reviews

Unranked # out of 3840 Family Law solicitor firms in the UK

Ldj Solicitors 52.5215256 -1.4703599 31789 Ldj Solicitors

Ldj Solicitors


Lee & Company 51.3373398 -0.745737 26058

Lee & Company

