
Top 10 Family Law Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Family Law solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Kensington Solicitor 51.44057170000001 -0.2455709 21930

Kensington Solicitor


Kent & Surrey Family Resolution 51.0683648 0.6885843 13195

Kent & Surrey Family Resolution


Keppe Rofer Limited 51.9475802 -3.392278 24247

Keppe Rofer Limited


Kervin Barnes Limited 51.5107076 -0.1458621 20242

Kervin Barnes Limited


Kevin Brown Solicitor 50.7611147 -2.0829182 23383

Kevin Brown Solicitor


Kevin Shearn Family Law Practice Limited 51.0158845 -3.1015106 15685

Kevin Shearn Family Law Practice Limited


Keystone Law Limited 51.5168812 -0.1123314 23570

Keystone Law Limited


Kgw Family Law 51.3204958 -0.5566232999999999 17889

Kgw Family Law


Khan Legal Limited 52.4921056 -1.9684092 15920

Khan Legal Limited



Khan Mather Ltd 53.386585 -2.3490897 14341

Khan Mather Ltd


Kieran & Co 52.1977822 -2.2235553 26523

Kieran & Co



Kilic & Kilic Solicitors Ltd 51.58597899999999 -0.0911795 19107

Kilic & Kilic Solicitors Ltd


Kimberly Wayne & Diamond Solicitors 51.4860587 0.1150402 20255

Kimberly Wayne & Diamond Solicitors


Kingdom Law Ltd 51.5453809 0.0728974 27883

Kingdom Law Ltd


King Lawes Legal 52.2292944 -0.2658946 20227

King Lawes Legal


Kingscourt Solicitors 51.4421109 -0.0348191 27835

Kingscourt Solicitors


Kings Law Solicitors Ltd 52.5836199 -2.1174731 15350

Kings Law Solicitors Ltd


Kingsley Napley LLP 51.5213826 -0.1026171 20828

Kingsley Napley LLP


Kingsley Solicitors Limited

0 reviews

Unranked # out of 3864 Family Law solicitor firms in the UK

Kingsley Solicitors Limited have 1 Family Law solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Kingsley Solicitors Limited 53.1889643 -2.89509 13867 Kingsley Solicitors Limited

Kingsley Solicitors Limited


King Street Solicitors LLP 53.6834195 -1.5010191 18585

King Street Solicitors LLP


Kingsville Law Limited 51.4909257 0.0715632 31655

Kingsville Law Limited


Kirbys Solicitors

0 reviews

Unranked # out of 3864 Family Law solicitor firms in the UK

Kirbys Solicitors 55.0852061 -1.588015 24499 Kirbys Solicitors

Kirbys Solicitors


Kirbys Solicitors Limited 53.9910923 -1.5335127 20977

Kirbys Solicitors Limited


Kirkland & Lane Southwell Ltd 53.0771482 -0.9515446999999999 13646

Kirkland & Lane Southwell Ltd


Kirwans Solicitors 51.668794 -0.0325728 22369

Kirwans Solicitors


K J Conroy & Co Limited 52.4845181 -1.9047993 18816

K J Conroy & Co Limited


Kk & Co Solicitors (khan's Law Firm Ltd) 54.9766356 -1.6610247 20031

Kk & Co Solicitors (khan's Law Firm Ltd)


Km Solicitors Limited 53.5078994 -2.241585300000001 14761

Km Solicitors Limited



Knightbridge Law Limited 53.4526428 -2.2157925 15043

Knightbridge Law Limited



Knipe Woodhouse-smith

4 reviews

Ranked #3137 out of 3864 Family Law solicitor firms in the UK

Knipe Woodhouse-smith 51.6078633 -0.5555872 21132 Knipe Woodhouse-smith

Knipe Woodhouse-smith

