
Top 10 Family Law Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Family Law solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating


Horsham Family Lawyers Ltd 51.0616847 -0.3272614 13913

Horsham Family Lawyers Ltd


Houldsworth Hall Limited 53.8723693 -2.3884249 16768

Houldsworth Hall Limited


Howard & Co Solicitors Llp 53.5570301 -1.4850864 38182

Howard & Co Solicitors Llp


Howard Pollok & Webb 52.6307296 1.2965659 26292

Howard Pollok & Webb


Howell Jones And Company Limited 53.1393589 -3.7999091 16813

Howell Jones And Company Limited


Hoxtons Solicitors 51.6328209 0.0085126 24333

Hoxtons Solicitors


Hsh Solicitors 51.5806919 0.1783367 18686

Hsh Solicitors


H & S Solicitors Limited

0 reviews

Unranked # out of 3838 Family Law solicitor firms in the UK

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Total solicitors: 0

H & S Solicitors Limited 51.49907109999999 -0.1977692 17536 H & S Solicitors Limited

H & S Solicitors Limited


Hubers Law Partners 51.5141528 -0.0712102 14232

Hubers Law Partners


Hughes Fowler Carruthers Ltd 51.515456 -0.1120588 19871

Hughes Fowler Carruthers Ltd


Hughes Parry Limited 53.27379490000001 -3.2220382 19870

Hughes Parry Limited


Hugh Williams Limited 51.8842223 -3.991461 22532

Hugh Williams Limited


Hujan & Co Solicitors 52.4508946 -1.8665553 22288

Hujan & Co Solicitors



Humphrys Dawson 53.3183279 -3.4950919 25016

Humphrys Dawson


Huneewoth Solicitors Ltd 51.3739635 -0.0958014 13803

Huneewoth Solicitors Ltd



Hunt And Hunt LLP 51.5770218 0.1832271 15595

Hunt And Hunt LLP


Hunters Law LLP 51.5153905 -0.1141369 28823

Hunters Law LLP


Hunters Solicitors LLP 51.5391681 0.6941414 16462

Hunters Solicitors LLP


Hunter & Uro Limited 52.2315476 -0.5635315 13927

Hunter & Uro Limited


Hunt & Wrigley 54.3409731 -1.4341519 26687

Hunt & Wrigley


Hussein Solicitors 51.5530346 0.0254938 19298

Hussein Solicitors


Huttons Law Limited 51.4852357 -3.1735048 14408

Huttons Law Limited


Hyland Fitzwater Limited 51.35072479999999 -0.5948198 16085

Hyland Fitzwater Limited


Iain Nicholson Solicitors Limited 55.0493424 -1.7457591 13881

Iain Nicholson Solicitors Limited


Ia Solicitors 51.4637401 -0.3026416 28311

Ia Solicitors


Ideal Solicitors 51.538084 0.05113239999999999 20115

Ideal Solicitors


Ifrahim And Co Solicitors 51.54584639999999 0.07659149999999999 16895

Ifrahim And Co Solicitors


Igor & Co 51.4715619 -0.2064849 21934

Igor & Co


Ikie Solicitors LLP 51.4618749 -0.0064737 22279

Ikie Solicitors LLP



Ilett & Clark Solicitors Limited 53.3030985 -1.1249243 18028

Ilett & Clark Solicitors Limited

