
Top 10 Family Law Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Family Law solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating


Farrer & Co LLP 51.516459 -0.1190797 22380

Farrer & Co LLP


Fearon & Co Solicitors 51.24517549999999 -0.5794273 14836

Fearon & Co Solicitors


Fergusson Law 55.9579801 -3.1905147 12029

Fergusson Law


Finsbury Law Solicitors Ltd 51.560436 -0.1142649 17217

Finsbury Law Solicitors Ltd


Fisher Day Limited 53.4490275 -2.0787979 27720

Fisher Day Limited


Fladgate LLP 51.516133 -0.1206209 21157

Fladgate LLP


Flahive Law Limited 53.3244582 -2.233956 15178

Flahive Law Limited


Flashpoint Legal Limited

0 reviews

Unranked # out of 3840 Family Law solicitor firms in the UK

Flashpoint Legal Limited have Family Law solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

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Flashpoint Legal Limited 51.419621 -0.1535862 33461 Flashpoint Legal Limited

Flashpoint Legal Limited


Fletcher Dervish Solicitors 51.5850438 -0.1006013 25325

Fletcher Dervish Solicitors


Focus Solicitors Limited 52.7139554 -1.0156954 15650

Focus Solicitors Limited



Fonsecalaw Limited 51.777905 -3.2082334 22192

Fonsecalaw Limited


Foot Anstey LLP 50.3701077 -4.1311314 18693

Foot Anstey LLP


Foreman Laws LLP

0 reviews

Unranked # out of 3840 Family Law solicitor firms in the UK

Foreman Laws LLP 51.9505033 -0.2770047 18831 Foreman Laws LLP

Foreman Laws LLP



Fortis Rose Solicitors Ltd 51.611538 -0.0655105 18787

Fortis Rose Solicitors Ltd


Fortwell Solicitors Limited 51.5897374 -0.1113114 28242

Fortwell Solicitors Limited


Francina Whelan & Co 53.9914948 -1.5400057 22938

Francina Whelan & Co


Francis Solicitors Limited 51.4602498 -0.0108632 13293

Francis Solicitors Limited


Frank Brazell And Partners Limited 51.54899229999999 -0.1206662 21210

Frank Brazell And Partners Limited



Frazine Johnson 51.579763 -0.4996432 25183

Frazine Johnson


Freedman Green Dhokia 51.5372373 -0.1850869 31441

Freedman Green Dhokia


Freedman + Hilmi LLP 51.5155415 -0.1524398 17484

Freedman + Hilmi LLP


Freeman Box 51.5172434 -0.1503099 26969

Freeman Box


Freeman Brown Solicitors Limited 53.78391560000001 -1.071835 16378

Freeman Brown Solicitors Limited


French & Co 52.95464560000001 -1.165896 26968

French & Co


Gabbitas Robins 51.5709691 -0.7780180999999999 21662

Gabbitas Robins


Garden House Solicitors Ltd 51.7954759 -0.0698736 18657

Garden House Solicitors Ltd



0 reviews

Unranked # out of 3840 Family Law solicitor firms in the UK

Garratts 53.5410911 -2.1176765 26848 Garratts



Garwood & Tan Limited 52.6109824 1.7265196 29901

Garwood & Tan Limited


Gary Jacobs & Co Limited 51.5927295 0.0264507 21544

Gary Jacobs & Co Limited


Gedye & Sons (solicitors) Limited 54.1897293 -2.9141874 23336

Gedye & Sons (solicitors) Limited

