
Top 10 Family Law Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Family Law solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating


Mackenzie Jones Solicitors Limited 53.2519421 -3.478326 23360

Mackenzie Jones Solicitors Limited



Maclaren Warner Limited

2 reviews

Ranked #1849 out of 3840 Family Law solicitor firms in the UK

Value for money - COMPETITIVE

"What a turnaround !"

- 21/02/2025

Maclaren Warner Limited have Family Law solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Maclaren Warner Limited 53.0178296 -1.3066135 37412 Maclaren Warner Limited

Maclaren Warner Limited



Manleys Solicitors Limited

10 reviews

Ranked #1850 out of 3840 Family Law solicitor firms in the UK

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"A client"

- 17/01/2025


- 17/01/2025

Manleys Solicitors Limited have 1 Family Law solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 5

Manleys Solicitors Limited
Manleys Solicitors Limited
Manleys Solicitors Limited
Manleys Solicitors Limited
Manleys Solicitors Limited 53.1924182 -2.8827689 17749 Manleys Solicitors Limited

Manleys Solicitors Limited



Mblaw (newbury) Ltd 51.3986299 -1.3216535 19391

Mblaw (newbury) Ltd



Mm Law Solicitors Limited 51.5072317 -0.5844568 29873

Mm Law Solicitors Limited



Mt Uk Solicitors Limited

4 reviews

Ranked #1853 out of 3840 Family Law solicitor firms in the UK

Mt Uk Solicitors Limited 51.4543998 -0.3584161 16180 Mt Uk Solicitors Limited

Mt Uk Solicitors Limited



Mwg Solicitors Limited 53.4358515 -2.2060888 20245

Mwg Solicitors Limited



New Leaf Solicitors Limited 52.371643 -1.2453226 17875

New Leaf Solicitors Limited



Odt Professional Limited 50.82363609999999 -0.1397186 15315

Odt Professional Limited



Paramount Solicitors

2 reviews

Ranked #1857 out of 3840 Family Law solicitor firms in the UK

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"Expertise, Support, Success"

- 11/02/2024

"Exceptional Service: Secured Our Visa Success"

- 07/02/2024

Paramount Solicitors have 1 Family Law solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 1

Paramount Solicitors 51.5411748 -0.2977865 13276 Paramount Solicitors

Paramount Solicitors



Paul Lucas Solicitors 51.8163001 -0.8143507999999999 26561

Paul Lucas Solicitors



Powis & Co 51.7907118 1.1533254 14112

Powis & Co



Regal Law Solicitors Ltd 51.55580819999999 0.07111619999999999 2904

Regal Law Solicitors Ltd



Renaissance Solicitors LLP 51.5761452 -0.0144664 19573

Renaissance Solicitors LLP



Robert Lizar Solicitors Limited 53.4555711 -2.2447666 17677

Robert Lizar Solicitors Limited



Row & Scott Limited 54.9759983 -1.6548903 19353

Row & Scott Limited



Russells 51.52093730000001 -0.1429044 26462




Spall Clark Solicitors Limited

3 reviews

Ranked #1865 out of 3840 Family Law solicitor firms in the UK

Spall Clark Solicitors Limited 53.1633516 -2.2146203 29802 Spall Clark Solicitors Limited

Spall Clark Solicitors Limited



Spectrum Solicitors Limited 54.1356757 -0.7972071 13691

Spectrum Solicitors Limited



Stan Baring Solicitor 51.1859702 -0.6004221 22722

Stan Baring Solicitor



Stanley Tee LLP 51.8624228 0.1675796 21995

Stanley Tee LLP



Steadman Jones Ltd 51.7933821 -3.989384 23739

Steadman Jones Ltd



Tickle Hall Cross Limited

3 reviews

Ranked #1870 out of 3840 Family Law solicitor firms in the UK

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"Help with buying my first flat"

- 27/09/2024

"Excellent solicitors "

- 23/10/2022

Tickle Hall Cross Limited have Family Law solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Tickle Hall Cross Limited 53.45339449999999 -2.7356102 13980 Tickle Hall Cross Limited

Tickle Hall Cross Limited



Timbrell Law Limited 51.9207695 -2.2109747 28696

Timbrell Law Limited



Ware & Kay Solicitors Ltd 53.96118629999999 -1.074868 15693

Ware & Kay Solicitors Ltd



Wason Male & Wagland LLP

6 reviews

Ranked #1873 out of 3840 Family Law solicitor firms in the UK

Wason Male & Wagland LLP 51.6936521 -0.1776935 28460 Wason Male & Wagland LLP

Wason Male & Wagland LLP



Watters, Steven & Co. 55.8173588 -3.9351838 11238

Watters, Steven & Co.



Wilkin Chapman LLP 53.5647125 -0.09146889999999999 20731

Wilkin Chapman LLP



William Parry & Co Limited 51.6192217 -3.95649 23276

William Parry & Co Limited



Wilson Browne Llp 52.3739774 -0.7104851 31448

Wilson Browne Llp

