
Top 10 Family Law Solicitors in Ilford Town

Here you can see the best Family Law solicitors in Ilford Town. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating


Redbridge Solicitors

45 reviews

Ranked #6 out of 65 Family Law solicitor firms in Ilford Town

Value for money - EXCELLENT


- 13/12/2024


- 13/11/2024

Redbridge Solicitors have Family Law solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 1

Redbridge Solicitors
Redbridge Solicitors 51.5946936 0.0847674 42787 Redbridge Solicitors

Redbridge Solicitors



Orchid Solicitors Limited

75 reviews

Ranked #7 out of 65 Family Law solicitor firms in Ilford Town

Orchid Solicitors Limited 51.5578857 0.0716145 14349 Orchid Solicitors Limited

Orchid Solicitors Limited



Morgan Hill Solicitors Ltd

77 reviews

Ranked #8 out of 65 Family Law solicitor firms in Ilford Town

Morgan Hill Solicitors Ltd 51.5644972 0.1133271 31227 Morgan Hill Solicitors Ltd

Morgan Hill Solicitors Ltd



K.J. & Co

11 reviews

Ranked #9 out of 65 Family Law solicitor firms in Ilford Town

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"Family Law"

- 02/04/2024

"Great service by Kaushal Shah"

- 30/01/2024

K.J. & Co have 1 Family Law solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

K.J. & Co 51.5629303 0.0680636 13401 K.J. & Co

K.J. & Co



Riverdale Solicitors Limited 51.5610704 0.08314379999999999 43458

Riverdale Solicitors Limited



Cunningtons LLP 51.5617317 0.0682112 14854

Cunningtons LLP



Privilege Solicitors Ltd 51.5667977 0.1099546 14002

Privilege Solicitors Ltd



Highland Solicitors 51.561305 0.07556439999999999 15252

Highland Solicitors



Sa Law Chambers Solicitors Limited 51.5629303 0.0680636 8788

Sa Law Chambers Solicitors Limited



Majestic Solicitors Ltd 51.5553436 0.0719606 14316

Majestic Solicitors Ltd



Legal Solutions Advocates & Solicitors Ltd 51.5776033 0.0659912 28014

Legal Solutions Advocates & Solicitors Ltd



Charles Simmons Immigration Solicitors 51.5593577 0.0682045 21173

Charles Simmons Immigration Solicitors



Edwards Duthie Shamash 51.5641756 0.06628769999999999 3303

Edwards Duthie Shamash



LegalEx Solicitors

2 reviews

Ranked #19 out of 65 Family Law solicitor firms in Ilford Town

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"Highly recommended to everyone this Lawyers have good experience "

- 02/09/2024

"Insurance claims"

- 22/08/2024

LegalEx Solicitors have Family Law solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 1

LegalEx Solicitors 51.5606793 0.0844809 46453 LegalEx Solicitors

LegalEx Solicitors



Sg Law Solicitors Ltd 51.5641756 0.0662877 27780

Sg Law Solicitors Ltd



Advice Wise Solicitors Limited 51.5645702 0.0962596 17317

Advice Wise Solicitors Limited



Metrolaw Solicitors Ltd 51.5642972 0.1099831 18284

Metrolaw Solicitors Ltd



Regal Law Solicitors Ltd 51.55580819999999 0.07111619999999999 2904

Regal Law Solicitors Ltd



Solicitors' Inn Ltd

8 reviews

Ranked #24 out of 65 Family Law solicitor firms in Ilford Town

Solicitors' Inn Ltd 51.560663 0.0808444 37508 Solicitors' Inn Ltd

Solicitors' Inn Ltd



Tts Legal Limited 51.57587350000001 0.0887264 14308

Tts Legal Limited



First Law Solicitors Limited 51.5641756 0.0662877 31763

First Law Solicitors Limited



Smb Solicitors Limited 51.5547965 0.071878 13174

Smb Solicitors Limited



Allied Law Chambers Solicitors Ltd 51.5632995 0.1114519 17431

Allied Law Chambers Solicitors Ltd



Criminal Defence Solicitors Limited 51.5607307 0.0987521 19855

Criminal Defence Solicitors Limited



Addison & Khan Solicitors London Limited 51.560663 0.0808444 15179

Addison & Khan Solicitors London Limited



Chipatiso Associates LLP 51.5575451 0.06962009999999999 19872

Chipatiso Associates LLP



Kingdom Solicitors

1 review

Ranked #32 out of 65 Family Law solicitor firms in Ilford Town

Value for money - EXCELLENT


- 29/07/2023

Kingdom Solicitors have 1 Family Law solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 1

Kingdom Solicitors 51.5612123 0.069616 17976 Kingdom Solicitors

Kingdom Solicitors



Woodford Wise Solicitors 51.5755194 0.0681011 10890

Woodford Wise Solicitors



Central Chambers Law Ltd 51.5578857 0.0716145 37801

Central Chambers Law Ltd



Ewan And Co Solicitors LLP 51.5593577 0.0682045 13345

Ewan And Co Solicitors LLP

