
Top 10 Solicitors in Exeter

Here you can see the best solicitors in Exeter. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating


Tozers Trust Corporation Ltd 50.7243555 -3.5267746 32611

Tozers Trust Corporation Ltd



Trinity Advocates 50.72199910000001 -3.5322657 20696

Trinity Advocates



Foot Anstey LLP 50.7218369 -3.5254319 18692

Foot Anstey LLP


Barton Law Ltd 51.0272449 -3.837336 37253

Barton Law Ltd


Bay Tree Solicitors Ltd 50.6832096 -3.4656585 27406

Bay Tree Solicitors Ltd


Cartridges Law Llp 50.7161914 -3.541525800000001 53452

Cartridges Law Llp


Clinical Negligence Services Limited 50.7218369 -3.5254319 27538

Clinical Negligence Services Limited


Dudman Shaw Ltd 50.7186821 -3.5307834 23487

Dudman Shaw Ltd


Every Nominees Limited 50.72189 -3.5261844 32023

Every Nominees Limited


Everys Cosec Limited 50.72188999999999 -3.5261844 19823

Everys Cosec Limited


Foot Anstey Trust Corporation Limited 50.7218369 -3.5254319 32681

Foot Anstey Trust Corporation Limited


Iscalegal Llp 50.6923783 -3.443986 53087

Iscalegal Llp


Neal Bertram Legal Services Limited 50.6981911 -3.5256131 15862

Neal Bertram Legal Services Limited


Nunn Rickard Solicitor Advocates 50.7233222 -3.5260185 32138

Nunn Rickard Solicitor Advocates


Prydis Legal Limited 50.7218369 -3.5254319 19169

Prydis Legal Limited


Quay Law (holdings) Limited 50.72341729999999 -3.5248918 28670

Quay Law (holdings) Limited


S J Stoker Solicitors 50.7277443 -3.4716683 52993

S J Stoker Solicitors


St James Solicitors 50.72152639999999 -3.5140739 24027

St James Solicitors


Trowers & Hamlins Nominees 50.722241 -3.5247933 31947

Trowers & Hamlins Nominees

