
Top 10 Energy & Transport Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Energy & Transport solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating


Moore Barlow LLP

43 reviews

Ranked #80 out of 516 Energy & Transport solicitor firms in the UK

Moore Barlow LLP 50.9670327 -1.3825703 21127 Moore Barlow LLP

Moore Barlow LLP



Winckworth Sherwood LLP

40 reviews

Ranked #81 out of 516 Energy & Transport solicitor firms in the UK

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"Professional, knowledgeable and approachable"

- 18/03/2025

"Outstanding first class service "

- 12/03/2025

Winckworth Sherwood LLP have Energy & Transport solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 8

Winckworth Sherwood LLP
Winckworth Sherwood LLP
+3 more
Winckworth Sherwood LLP 51.50183269999999 -0.09095099999999999 17208 Winckworth Sherwood LLP

Winckworth Sherwood LLP



360 Law Services Limited

45 reviews

Ranked #82 out of 516 Energy & Transport solicitor firms in the UK

Value for money - EXCELLENT


- 22/11/2024


- 25/10/2024

360 Law Services Limited have Energy & Transport solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

360 Law Services Limited 51.33553360000001 -0.7619379000000001 27792 360 Law Services Limited

360 Law Services Limited



Chadwick Lawrence LLP

82 reviews

Ranked #83 out of 516 Energy & Transport solicitor firms in the UK

Value for money - COMPETITIVE

"Will and Power of Attorney "

- 13/02/2025

"Excellent and professional service"

- 26/12/2024

Chadwick Lawrence LLP have Energy & Transport solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Chadwick Lawrence LLP 53.7933777 -1.540839 22981 Chadwick Lawrence LLP

Chadwick Lawrence LLP



Myton Law Limited 53.7384172 -0.3342454 7235

Myton Law Limited



Burgess Okoh Saunders Limited 51.51683 -0.1474728 28124

Burgess Okoh Saunders Limited



Blick & Co 51.5180853 -0.0774005 27056

Blick & Co



BDB Pitmans LLP

29 reviews

Ranked #87 out of 516 Energy & Transport solicitor firms in the UK

Value for money - EXCELLENT


- 24/08/2022

"Criterion Hospitality"

- 23/08/2022

BDB Pitmans LLP have 8 Energy & Transport solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

BDB Pitmans LLP 51.4999809 -0.1334745 1209 BDB Pitmans LLP

BDB Pitmans LLP



Shakespeare Martineau LLP

100 reviews

Ranked #88 out of 516 Energy & Transport solicitor firms in the UK

Value for money - EXCELLENT

Shakespeare Martineau LLP have Energy & Transport solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Shakespeare Martineau LLP 52.48260519999999 -1.8964249 22573 Shakespeare Martineau LLP

Shakespeare Martineau LLP



Acuity Law Limited 51.4638516 -3.1600866 18454

Acuity Law Limited



Sintons LLP 54.9748755 -1.6247015 23612

Sintons LLP



Clarion Solicitors Limited 53.7972775 -1.554885 19770

Clarion Solicitors Limited



Dootsons LLP

17 reviews

Ranked #92 out of 516 Energy & Transport solicitor firms in the UK

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"Conveyancing made easy."

- 26/03/2025

"Name Change."

- 25/03/2025

Dootsons LLP have Energy & Transport solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Dootsons LLP 53.4980844 -2.5163232 22671 Dootsons LLP

Dootsons LLP



Headleys 52.45561370000001 -1.1977527 26761




Dickins Hopgood Chidley LLP 51.4140612 -1.5161065 2954

Dickins Hopgood Chidley LLP



Streathers Solicitors LLP

15 reviews

Ranked #95 out of 516 Energy & Transport solicitor firms in the UK

Streathers Solicitors LLP 51.5184316 -0.1555227 9625 Streathers Solicitors LLP

Streathers Solicitors LLP



Blackett Hart & Pratt LLP 54.5430523 -1.57822 22556

Blackett Hart & Pratt LLP



BWL Legal Ltd

24 reviews

Ranked #97 out of 516 Energy & Transport solicitor firms in the UK

BWL Legal Ltd 52.4785688 -1.9003594 31270 BWL Legal Ltd

BWL Legal Ltd



Kenneth Jones Legal Limited 53.0861593 -2.2403942 15589

Kenneth Jones Legal Limited



Curwens LLP 51.652978 -0.09206679999999999 2595

Curwens LLP



Coles Miller Solicitors LLP

15 reviews

Ranked #100 out of 516 Energy & Transport solicitor firms in the UK

Coles Miller Solicitors LLP 50.719578 -1.976348 22659 Coles Miller Solicitors LLP

Coles Miller Solicitors LLP



Oakwood Solicitors Limited

13 reviews

Ranked #101 out of 516 Energy & Transport solicitor firms in the UK

Oakwood Solicitors Limited 53.8265073 -1.5067958 6915 Oakwood Solicitors Limited

Oakwood Solicitors Limited



Birketts LLP

22 reviews

Ranked #102 out of 516 Energy & Transport solicitor firms in the UK

Birketts LLP 52.0533771 1.1482121 22597 Birketts LLP

Birketts LLP



Jolliffe & Co LLP

46 reviews

Ranked #103 out of 516 Energy & Transport solicitor firms in the UK

Jolliffe & Co LLP 53.1898895 -2.8879702 16740 Jolliffe & Co LLP

Jolliffe & Co LLP



Aaron & Partners LLP 53.1924182 -2.8827689 92

Aaron & Partners LLP



Cook & Talbot Limited 53.6534509 -2.9955938 2403

Cook & Talbot Limited



Forrester Sylvester Mackett LLP 51.4588197 -2.1134415 14628

Forrester Sylvester Mackett LLP



Cullimore Dutton Solicitors Limited

44 reviews

Ranked #107 out of 516 Energy & Transport solicitor firms in the UK

Cullimore Dutton Solicitors Limited 53.1890209 -2.8935347 14347 Cullimore Dutton Solicitors Limited

Cullimore Dutton Solicitors Limited



Scott-moncrieff And Associates Limited

20 reviews

Ranked #108 out of 516 Energy & Transport solicitor firms in the UK

Scott-moncrieff And Associates Limited 51.5119519 -0.1083413 16609 Scott-moncrieff And Associates Limited

Scott-moncrieff And Associates Limited



Stephens Scown LLP 50.72150749999999 -3.5279287 19069

Stephens Scown LLP

