
Top 10 Energy & Transport Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Energy & Transport solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Gowling Wlg (uk) LLP 51.5044117 -0.0803969 23831

Gowling Wlg (uk) LLP



Greenaway Scott Limited 51.4795595 -3.1538034 16938

Greenaway Scott Limited


Greenberg Traurig, LLP 51.5049619 -0.08765060000000001 20516

Greenberg Traurig, LLP


Gresham Legal Limited 51.51705159999999 -0.1117478 14472

Gresham Legal Limited


Griffin Law Limited 51.2729107 0.3948954 18317

Griffin Law Limited


Halebury Ventures Limited 51.5161867 -0.1116613 22845

Halebury Ventures Limited


Hallmark Legal Services Limited 53.74331609999999 -0.3310036 20919

Hallmark Legal Services Limited


Hamlins LLP 51.5161149 -0.1426303 22651

Hamlins LLP


Hannaford Turner LLP 51.5114404 -0.0916249 13431

Hannaford Turner LLP


Hanover Bond Law Limited 51.5140617 -0.100081 13682

Hanover Bond Law Limited


Harbottle & Lewis LLP 51.5103875 -0.1207769 23741

Harbottle & Lewis LLP


Harrisons 51.5162846 -0.1026704 18900




Harrisons Solicitors LLP

1 review

Ranked #324 out of 516 Energy & Transport solicitor firms in the UK

Harrisons Solicitors LLP 52.6588797 -3.1479946 22321 Harrisons Solicitors LLP

Harrisons Solicitors LLP


Hassall Law Limited 50.2845784 -3.7777732 15210

Hassall Law Limited


Hausfeld & Co LLP 51.5148566 -0.1077886 20480

Hausfeld & Co LLP


Haynes And Boone Cdg LLP 51.5167723 -0.1078101 22767

Haynes And Boone Cdg LLP


Hco Legal 51.5118034 -0.0781839 20701

Hco Legal


Hellodpo Ltd 50.8390721 0.1160757 28489

Hellodpo Ltd


Herbertlewis Solicitors 51.6551329 -0.2749724 4795

Herbertlewis Solicitors


Herbert Smith Freehills Global LLP 51.5203247 -0.080708 17235

Herbert Smith Freehills Global LLP


Herbert Smith Freehills LLP 51.5203247 -0.080708 23218

Herbert Smith Freehills LLP


Herbert Smith Freehills Paris 51.5204308 -0.0807934 18694

Herbert Smith Freehills Paris


Hextalls Limited 51.8713993 0.1611238 20638

Hextalls Limited


Hill Dickinson International 51.5211664 -0.0799375 23358

Hill Dickinson International


Hodge Halsall Solicitors Limited 53.6482548 -3.0010689 4907

Hodge Halsall Solicitors Limited


Hogan Lovells (paris) LLP 51.51783589999999 -0.1057337 19631

Hogan Lovells (paris) LLP


Holman Fenwick Willan LLP 51.5113096 -0.07878109999999999 20695

Holman Fenwick Willan LLP


Holman Fenwick Willan Middle East LLP 51.5113096 -0.07878109999999999 20694

Holman Fenwick Willan Middle East LLP


Holman Fenwick Willan Singapore LLP 51.5113096 -0.07878109999999999 20716

Holman Fenwick Willan Singapore LLP


Holman Fenwick Willan Switzerland LLP 51.5113096 -0.07878109999999999 19146

Holman Fenwick Willan Switzerland LLP

