
Top 10 Energy & Transport Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Energy & Transport solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Addleshaw Goddard LLP 51.5203999 -0.090276 22642

Addleshaw Goddard LLP



Adve Law Limited 52.1131368 -4.0801821 17070

Adve Law Limited


Agri Advisor Legal LLP 52.0694304 -3.9620351 30715

Agri Advisor Legal LLP


A H Fitzgerald Solicitors Ltd 53.43409270000001 -2.7813664 18303

A H Fitzgerald Solicitors Ltd


Akin Gump LLP 51.5198109 -0.0773423 24691

Akin Gump LLP


Allen & Overy Llp 51.5198109 -0.0773423 31340

Allen & Overy Llp


Alston Asquith Limited 51.51875219999999 -0.088986 28359

Alston Asquith Limited


Andrew Giles 51.6196576 -0.8371476999999999 14242

Andrew Giles


Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer (uk) LLP 51.5152902 -0.0840905 24772

Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer (uk) LLP


Artington Services Limited 51.3185802 -0.5578704 17432

Artington Services Limited


Ashurst LLP 51.5188848 -0.075421 30611

Ashurst LLP


Asserson Law Offices 51.516654 -0.1482871 19136

Asserson Law Offices


Atanaskovic Hartnell LLP 51.4910643 -0.1744679 18415

Atanaskovic Hartnell LLP


Azarmi & Company Ltd 51.5199912 -0.079349 17897

Azarmi & Company Ltd


Backhouse Jones Limited 53.8388697 -2.3971415 23344

Backhouse Jones Limited


Baker Botts (uk) LLP 51.5150448 -0.08779039999999999 21642

Baker Botts (uk) LLP


Baker & Mckenzie LLP 51.5133709 -0.1037715 23097

Baker & Mckenzie LLP


Bargate Murray Limited 51.52196559999999 -0.0842716 16715

Bargate Murray Limited


Barrett Solicitors Ltd 51.5187983 -0.1280267 18234

Barrett Solicitors Ltd


Barton Legal Limited 53.85484719999999 -1.6862624 17809

Barton Legal Limited


Bdm Law LLP 51.5137264 -0.0830463 14600

Bdm Law LLP


Beale & Company Solicitors LLP 51.5122836 -0.08776189999999999 23326

Beale & Company Solicitors LLP


Bermans (2012) Limited 53.4095264 -2.99088 15811

Bermans (2012) Limited


Birch Reynardson & Co Ltd 51.6915121 -0.9932198999999999 18549

Birch Reynardson & Co Ltd


Bird & Bird Llp 51.5151494 -0.1092177 31440

Bird & Bird Llp



Blackwhite Solicitors Ltd 51.54630479999999 0.024869 29906

Blackwhite Solicitors Ltd



Blake Lapthorn 50.96534949999999 -1.3854011 22354

Blake Lapthorn


Blake-turner LLP 51.5122261 -0.0792902 13612

Blake-turner LLP


Boies Schiller Flexner (uk) LLP 51.5159657 -0.1085354 16038

Boies Schiller Flexner (uk) LLP


Bokhari & Co 51.519256 -0.168534 24648

Bokhari & Co

