
Top 10 Employment Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Employment solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating


Wannops LLP 50.8341264 -0.7780452999999999 10540

Wannops LLP



Harwood Solicitors Ltd 53.7459988 -2.4874052 18104

Harwood Solicitors Ltd



Maxim Solicitors Limited 51.5772671 0.0663907 13631

Maxim Solicitors Limited



Alliance & Cooper Solicitors Limited

19 reviews

Ranked #810 out of 3089 Employment solicitor firms in the UK

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"Good service "

- 24/05/2024

"Regarding Visa"

- 15/05/2024

Alliance & Cooper Solicitors Limited have Employment solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Alliance & Cooper Solicitors Limited 53.5105375 -2.2438019 30820 Alliance & Cooper Solicitors Limited

Alliance & Cooper Solicitors Limited



Berry Smith LLP 51.4843729 -3.172561 22156

Berry Smith LLP



Cain And Cochran Solicitors Limited 53.5796662 -2.4732442 1825

Cain And Cochran Solicitors Limited



M S Solicitors Limited 50.8243431 -0.1372484 23485

M S Solicitors Limited



A City Law Firm Limited 51.5225936 -0.0830776 20841

A City Law Firm Limited



Donald Race & Newton Solicitors Limited 53.7882634 -2.2440904 16276

Donald Race & Newton Solicitors Limited



Gisby Harrison 51.7094979 -0.084522 25696

Gisby Harrison



Lawyers Point Solicitors Limited 52.0400756 -0.7619738 17792

Lawyers Point Solicitors Limited



Minster Law Limited 53.65471609999999 -1.5243713 23827

Minster Law Limited



Vardags Limited

102 reviews

Ranked #819 out of 3089 Employment solicitor firms in the UK

Vardags Limited 51.5147455 -0.1020282 19598 Vardags Limited

Vardags Limited



Anthony Clark & Co Limited 53.2291696 -0.5414348999999999 14346

Anthony Clark & Co Limited



Enoch Evans LLP

24 reviews

Ranked #821 out of 3089 Employment solicitor firms in the UK

Enoch Evans LLP 52.5871741 -1.9811377 19933 Enoch Evans LLP

Enoch Evans LLP



Irvine Yates Limited

11 reviews

Ranked #822 out of 3089 Employment solicitor firms in the UK

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"Exceptional Legal Support in a Difficult Property Case"

- 10/02/2025

"Litigation Advice & Action"

- 06/01/2025

Irvine Yates Limited have Employment solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 1

Irvine Yates Limited 53.584282 -2.1363722 28054 Irvine Yates Limited

Irvine Yates Limited



Laker Legal Solicitors Limited

56 reviews

Ranked #823 out of 3089 Employment solicitor firms in the UK

Laker Legal Solicitors Limited 54.0501583 -2.8102716 37085 Laker Legal Solicitors Limited

Laker Legal Solicitors Limited



Stone Rowe Brewer LLP 51.44690689999999 -0.3270827 20203

Stone Rowe Brewer LLP



Max Engel & Co LLP

9 reviews

Ranked #825 out of 3089 Employment solicitor firms in the UK

Max Engel & Co LLP 52.236334 -0.8906904 23630 Max Engel & Co LLP

Max Engel & Co LLP



Taylor Lewis Solicitors 52.0858453 -4.6587672 13001

Taylor Lewis Solicitors



Archer Rusby Solicitors Limited 51.6374465 -0.4662233 18500

Archer Rusby Solicitors Limited



Avocat Roman Uk

10 reviews

Ranked #828 out of 3089 Employment solicitor firms in the UK

Avocat Roman Uk 53.5562179 -2.2098377 38231 Avocat Roman Uk

Avocat Roman Uk



Curwens LLP 51.652978 -0.09206679999999999 2595

Curwens LLP



Farore Law Limited 51.5170516 -0.1117478 35390

Farore Law Limited



Hsr Solicitors 51.5129137 -0.0425537 23518

Hsr Solicitors



Huggins Lewis Foskett 51.59420009999999 0.0251301 26029

Huggins Lewis Foskett



J N Jones Solicitors

11 reviews

Ranked #833 out of 3089 Employment solicitor firms in the UK

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"Honest Review "

- 17/05/2023

"The overall experience was wonderful and above all I got the outcome that I wanted."

- 25/02/2020

J N Jones Solicitors have 1 Employment solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

J N Jones Solicitors 51.3799304 0.5252476 16504 J N Jones Solicitors

J N Jones Solicitors



Thea Limited

14 reviews

Ranked #834 out of 3089 Employment solicitor firms in the UK

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"Great experience "

- 07/02/2025

"Excellent Service"

- 30/07/2024

Thea Limited have 1 Employment solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 3

Thea Limited
Thea Limited
Thea Limited
Thea Limited 51.4794496 -0.0521237 22101 Thea Limited

Thea Limited



Bromets Jackson Heath LLP

33 reviews

Ranked #835 out of 3089 Employment solicitor firms in the UK

Bromets Jackson Heath LLP 53.8846189 -1.2621349 21989 Bromets Jackson Heath LLP

Bromets Jackson Heath LLP



Davies Blunden & Evans 51.2937174 -0.7565925 24629

Davies Blunden & Evans

