
Top 10 Employment Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Employment solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating


Victory At Law Solicitors Ltd 51.4860124 0.0129436 19936

Victory At Law Solicitors Ltd



Victory Solicitors 51.4215382 -0.1278563 19842

Victory Solicitors


Viking Law Limited 51.1332278 -0.1923943 17346

Viking Law Limited


Vincent Sykes & Higham LLP 52.3972967 -0.5379754 21908

Vincent Sykes & Higham LLP


Vinson & Elkins R.l.l.p. 51.5115622 -0.0843334 25195

Vinson & Elkins R.l.l.p.


Virdee Solicitors Limited 51.499198 -0.1972747 16730

Virdee Solicitors Limited


Vistra Corporate Law Limited 51.4532806 -2.5862897 16073

Vistra Corporate Law Limited


Vivash Brand LLP 51.3721091 -0.2257041 14924

Vivash Brand LLP


Vj Legal Services Limited 51.54864449999999 -1.8536742 19122

Vj Legal Services Limited


Vlaw Limited

0 reviews

Unranked # out of 3089 Employment solicitor firms in the UK

Vlaw Limited 51.5119208 -0.1063176 22123 Vlaw Limited

Vlaw Limited


Vmd Solicitors Ltd 51.4997323 -0.0122747 20445

Vmd Solicitors Ltd


V&t Law Firm Limited 53.48075979999999 -2.24429 27583

V&t Law Firm Limited


Wade & Davies Limited 51.8715421 0.3631627 18576

Wade & Davies Limited


Wagner & Co 51.6253355 -0.1636875 22610

Wagner & Co


Wainwright Timms LLP 51.5117436 -0.1065773 17177

Wainwright Timms LLP


Walbrook Law LLP 51.51305319999999 -0.0759839 16502

Walbrook Law LLP


Walker & Co Limited 53.4236435 -1.1984769 15163

Walker & Co Limited


Walker Morris LLP 53.7964113 -1.5539833 20781

Walker Morris LLP


Walkers Solicitors Limited 53.6924714 -2.2556504 21889

Walkers Solicitors Limited


Wallace LLP 51.5180354 -0.1446565 23540

Wallace LLP


Walmley Legal Limited 52.4783704 -1.9062305 28799

Walmley Legal Limited


Walsh & Company 50.2129641 -5.100871100000001 24953

Walsh & Company


Walters & Barbary LLP 50.2124224 -5.300898399999999 13798

Walters & Barbary LLP


Warcup Law Firm Limited 55.413366 -1.7049048 16925

Warcup Law Firm Limited


Warren Murton 51.5205125 -0.1161452 26304

Warren Murton


Waterfront Solicitors LLP 51.50181569999999 -0.0965715 20835

Waterfront Solicitors LLP


Watson Brady LLP 51.51439449999999 -0.1109209 21077

Watson Brady LLP


Watsons Solicitors Warrington LLP 53.38786529999999 -2.5956093 16221

Watsons Solicitors Warrington LLP


Waughs Solicitors 51.1237815 -0.008417599999999999 26299

Waughs Solicitors


Wayne Leighton LLP 51.6103031 -0.2783909 17572

Wayne Leighton LLP

