
Top 10 Employment Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Employment solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Scully Twiss LLP 51.51439449999999 -0.1109209 19494

Scully Twiss LLP


Sebastians 51.514 -0.1054172 27196



Selby Dixon Solicitors 51.7869537 -1.4848013 23011

Selby Dixon Solicitors



Seldons LLP 51.0192335 -4.2044276 17159

Seldons LLP


Selva & Co 51.5412703 -0.1976168 24646

Selva & Co


Selvarajah & Co 51.5848761 -0.2786016000000001 25798

Selvarajah & Co


Sewell Mullings Logie 51.71890920000001 -1.9699445 19465

Sewell Mullings Logie


Seyfarth Shaw (uk) LLP 51.5194266 -0.089596 18781

Seyfarth Shaw (uk) LLP


S Fennemore Limited 52.8996815 -1.2722795 14328

S Fennemore Limited


Shaddai & Company (solicitors & Advocates) Limited 51.6056044 -0.0677846 20609

Shaddai & Company (solicitors & Advocates) Limited


Shahriar Solicitors Limited

0 reviews

Unranked # out of 3089 Employment solicitor firms in the UK

Shahriar Solicitors Limited have 1 Employment solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Shahriar Solicitors Limited 51.5375351 0.7150284 15320 Shahriar Solicitors Limited

Shahriar Solicitors Limited


Shanthi & Co 51.5623876 -0.1092499 9008

Shanthi & Co


Sharman & Son 53.48738350000001 -3.0317591 26435

Sharman & Son


Sharp Cross & Mann LLP 53.5936223 -2.2176744 13713

Sharp Cross & Mann LLP


Sharpe & Perl 51.3660084 0.30493 25304

Sharpe & Perl


Sharpe Pritchard LLP 51.5232489 -0.1133435 16627

Sharpe Pritchard LLP


Sharp & Rimmer 50.1603163 -5.0129235 16088

Sharp & Rimmer


Shb Solicitors Limited 52.6332493 -1.1351833 15249

Shb Solicitors Limited


Shears Law 52.5847372 1.0618891 16329

Shears Law


Shepherd Harris & Co Ltd 51.6548571 -0.08101499999999999 15290

Shepherd Harris & Co Ltd


Sherbornes Solicitors Limited 51.9000365 -2.079264 14681

Sherbornes Solicitors Limited


Sherfields Solicitors Limited 51.5642972 0.1099831 28164

Sherfields Solicitors Limited


Sheridans 51.513182 -0.1334826 26434



Sheridan & Stretton 51.49612219999999 -0.2320722 26433

Sheridan & Stretton


Sherrards Employment Law Limited 50.9378012 -0.2019203 23756

Sherrards Employment Law Limited


Sidley Austin LLP 51.5155182 -0.0793391 25190

Sidley Austin LLP


Signature Litigation LLP 51.5145114 -0.1098063 17647

Signature Litigation LLP


Silk Family Law Limited 54.9703464 -1.6048271 19208

Silk Family Law Limited


Silk Route Legal Limited 51.5196337 -0.1162967 17900

Silk Route Legal Limited


Sillett Webb Solicitors 51.4854604 0.0136683 17795

Sillett Webb Solicitors

