
Top 10 Employment Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Employment solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Priority Law Limited 53.3801716 -2.2236785 22811

Priority Law Limited


Prolegis Limited 53.8058206 -1.7855107 15001

Prolegis Limited


Proskauer Rose (uk) LLP 51.51628220000001 -0.08096439999999999 21841

Proskauer Rose (uk) LLP


Proteus Solutions Limited 51.0954019 -0.7490059 28742

Proteus Solutions Limited


Protopapas LLP 51.5221667 -0.1352487 25550

Protopapas LLP



Psg Law Limited 53.3839223 -2.3528415 16693

Psg Law Limited


Psh Law 52.8509001 -1.5654372 13538

Psh Law



Pudsey Legal Services Ltd 53.80436359999999 -1.6903896 8148

Pudsey Legal Services Ltd


Pure Business Law Limited 52.1373277 -0.4646538999999999 27524

Pure Business Law Limited


Q&a Legal Limited 52.48646110000001 -1.9619909 27599

Q&a Legal Limited



Qlaw Legal Services Limited 51.2362609 -0.2053648 18648

Qlaw Legal Services Limited



Queen's Park Solicitors 51.5405224 0.0831991 17829

Queen's Park Solicitors


Quills Solicitors 51.2671766 0.4751085 24447

Quills Solicitors


Quinlans Solicitors Ltd 52.9992537 -2.2352767 19864

Quinlans Solicitors Ltd


Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan Uk LLP 51.5183157 -0.1182845 21116

Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan Uk LLP


Quinn Melville Barrow LLP 53.4077858 -2.9915616 22971

Quinn Melville Barrow LLP


Quintessence Solicitors 51.5241164 0.0965057 14140

Quintessence Solicitors


Raegal Limited 51.5060166 -0.2592242 27820

Raegal Limited


Raftermarsh Uk 53.0480302 -0.7693297 8272

Raftermarsh Uk


Rajinder Singh & Co 52.6288344 -1.122845 24598

Rajinder Singh & Co


Ralli Solicitors LLP 53.480445 -2.2434182 19477

Ralli Solicitors LLP


Ramsay Paterson LLP 50.9497261 -2.5119545 15836

Ramsay Paterson LLP


Ranjha Law Chambers 51.5457954 0.021855 17345

Ranjha Law Chambers


Ranson Houghton LLP 51.2062764 -1.4800519 17571

Ranson Houghton LLP


Ratna & Co 51.538084 0.05113239999999999 25653

Ratna & Co


Raymond Saul & Co LLP 51.513521 -0.072707 16181

Raymond Saul & Co LLP


RBG Legal Services Limited 51.516915 -0.1066223 29785

RBG Legal Services Limited


R D Y Jennings & Co 54.1317116 -0.8068285 23268

R D Y Jennings & Co


Real Employment Law Advice Limited 50.6978478 -1.300391 13704

Real Employment Law Advice Limited


Rebecca Emmett Employment Law 51.5193918 -0.1063034 20011

Rebecca Emmett Employment Law

