
Top 10 Employment Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Employment solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Milbank LLP 51.5156643 -0.09491329999999999 25217

Milbank LLP



Milberg Ltd 52.5790359 -0.2106226 16171

Milberg Ltd


Millbank Solicitors 51.5256038 -0.1045176 24142

Millbank Solicitors


Milne Moser Incorporating Powell & Sykes 54.3253469 -2.7480589 26633

Milne Moser Incorporating Powell & Sykes


Milwyn Jenkins & Jenkins Limited 52.4486251 -3.5394322 22249

Milwyn Jenkins & Jenkins Limited



Minahan Hirst & Co Limited 53.3769325 -2.1891789 20086

Minahan Hirst & Co Limited


Mincoffs Solicitors LLP 54.981928 -1.6042322 20302

Mincoffs Solicitors LLP


Mirach Solicitors Limited 51.5307365 0.0998652 29766

Mirach Solicitors Limited


Mirkwood Evans Vincent Ltd 51.5273769 -0.089289 19125

Mirkwood Evans Vincent Ltd



Mir & Sons Solicitors Ltd 51.5071715 -0.3794461 19836

Mir & Sons Solicitors Ltd


Mishcon De Reya LLP 51.5171033 -0.1194423 14296

Mishcon De Reya LLP


Mis Legal Services Ltd 53.48075979999999 -2.24429 13304

Mis Legal Services Ltd


Mitchells 53.9557727 -1.0815408 26624



Mitchell Solicitors 51.8774674 -0.4168399 22887

Mitchell Solicitors


KnightStone Legal Services Limited 52.4557589 -2.0234575 28357

KnightStone Legal Services Limited


Mjd Solicitors 51.622177 0.3026343 19439

Mjd Solicitors


M Law LLP 51.5197023 -0.1568407 20038



M&n Solicitors Limited 51.51213389999999 -0.3105301 28458

M&n Solicitors Limited


Monaco Solicitors Ltd

0 reviews

Unranked # out of 3089 Employment solicitor firms in the UK

Monaco Solicitors Ltd 51.4701593 -0.0679365 14605 Monaco Solicitors Ltd

Monaco Solicitors Ltd


Monahans 51.5254393 -0.1228038 18339



Monarch Solicitors Ltd 53.4838058 -2.2566835 15898

Monarch Solicitors Ltd


Monioro Less & Co 51.4259432 -0.0520059 22892

Monioro Less & Co


Monkam Solicitors Limited 51.4949843 -0.1880967 28420

Monkam Solicitors Limited


Moorcrofts LLP 51.5722829 -0.7660783 23221

Moorcrofts LLP


Moorehouse 51.5825819 -0.07150379999999999 20104




Moore Kingston Smith LLP 51.5233055 -0.0980829 14651

Moore Kingston Smith LLP


Moore Law Ltd 50.86436399999999 -0.0828317 17665

Moore Law Ltd


Morgan Carter Solicitors Limited 53.5422976 -2.105985 14372

Morgan Carter Solicitors Limited


Morgan Denton Jones Limited 51.4835789 -3.1773219 17802

Morgan Denton Jones Limited


Morgan Laroche Limited 51.6515322 -3.9139062 22923

Morgan Laroche Limited

