
Top 10 Employment Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Employment solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Hughes Parry Limited 53.27379490000001 -3.2220382 19870

Hughes Parry Limited


Hugh Williams Limited 51.8842223 -3.991461 22532

Hugh Williams Limited


Hulse Yazdi Limited 53.6192048 -2.1569161 14260

Hulse Yazdi Limited


Human Law 51.870538 0.2222999 15602

Human Law


Humphreys Law Limited 51.5186573 -0.1739045 27851

Humphreys Law Limited


Hunter Law Limited 51.2697032 0.5122767 13172

Hunter Law Limited


Hunters Law LLP 51.5153905 -0.1141369 28823

Hunters Law LLP


Hunt & Wrigley 54.3409731 -1.4341519 26687

Hunt & Wrigley


Huttons Law Limited 51.4852357 -3.1735048 14408

Huttons Law Limited


Hyland Fitzwater Limited 51.35072479999999 -0.5948198 16085

Hyland Fitzwater Limited


Ian Burton Legal Limited 51.5199034 -0.0967976 28814

Ian Burton Legal Limited


Ideal Solicitors 51.538084 0.05113239999999999 20115

Ideal Solicitors


Ignition Law Services Limited 51.5175111 -0.1403821 28652

Ignition Law Services Limited


Igor & Co 51.4715619 -0.2064849 21934

Igor & Co


Ikie Solicitors LLP 51.4618749 -0.0064737 22279

Ikie Solicitors LLP


Ilaw Solicitors Limited 51.5119519 -0.1083413 22477

Ilaw Solicitors Limited


Illume Legal Limited 51.5142552 -0.1117625 27531

Illume Legal Limited


Imran & Co Solicitors Ltd

0 reviews

Unranked # out of 3089 Employment solicitor firms in the UK

Imran & Co Solicitors Ltd 51.518863 -0.06226429999999999 47540 Imran & Co Solicitors Ltd

Imran & Co Solicitors Ltd


Imr Solicitors 52.2118611 -0.0702016 20593

Imr Solicitors


Ines De Vecchi 51.452232 -0.1545939 25220

Ines De Vecchi


Ingram Winter Green LLP 51.5227615 -0.1161965 16216

Ingram Winter Green LLP


Instalaw Limited 53.0128684 -2.2233524 14037

Instalaw Limited


Integra Legal Limited 52.9773115 -1.0740313 18143

Integra Legal Limited


Invicta Law Limited 51.2765776 0.5238602 27412

Invicta Law Limited


Isaac & Co 51.76761279999999 -1.2676217 21936

Isaac & Co



Issat Timm Solicitors Limited 51.5025804 -0.0916118 14211

Issat Timm Solicitors Limited


Jacklyn Dawson 51.5864195 -2.994559 26678

Jacklyn Dawson



Jackson & Lyon LLP 51.5077743 -0.1441465 29883

Jackson & Lyon LLP


Jackson Osborne Ltd 51.60513900000001 -2.9185668 17354

Jackson Osborne Ltd


J A Hughes 51.4071219 -3.2676471 24547

J A Hughes

