
Top 10 Employment Solicitors in West End

Here you can see the best Employment solicitors in West End. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Charles Douglas Solicitors LLP 51.5101234 -0.1407699 18442

Charles Douglas Solicitors LLP


David Goodman & Co 51.51834729999999 -0.1359668 25795

David Goodman & Co


Davis Woolfe Limited 51.5133519 -0.1533067 40022

Davis Woolfe Limited


Draper Lang LLP 51.5117131 -0.1463257 17719

Draper Lang LLP


Empass Law Limited

0 reviews

Unranked # out of 63 Employment solicitor firms in West End

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Total solicitors: 1

Empass Law Limited 51.5145346 -0.1439196 36915 Empass Law Limited

Empass Law Limited


Fa Legal Ltd 51.5098781 -0.1445844 29986

Fa Legal Ltd


Grande Stevens International LLP 51.5093668 -0.1429624 13826

Grande Stevens International LLP


Grosvenor Law Limited 51.5117736 -0.1475907 15815

Grosvenor Law Limited


Hamlins LLP 51.5161149 -0.1426303 22651

Hamlins LLP


Hammond Bale LLP 51.5088549 -0.143574 20574

Hammond Bale LLP


Herefords Solicitors Limited 51.5142873 -0.1447656 20270

Herefords Solicitors Limited



Jackson & Lyon LLP 51.5077743 -0.1441465 29883

Jackson & Lyon LLP


Jaswal Johnston LLP 51.5176162 -0.1408972 21054

Jaswal Johnston LLP


Kervin Barnes Limited 51.5107076 -0.1458621 20242

Kervin Barnes Limited


Kts Legal Limited 51.51493960000001 -0.1433699 17977

Kts Legal Limited


Law Limited 51.5148337 -0.1074869 15805

Law Limited


Lee & Kan Solicitors 51.5128108 -0.1333249 16034

Lee & Kan Solicitors


Mario Montana Limited 51.5120979 -0.1393925 28517

Mario Montana Limited



Kingston Smith LLP 51.5169861 -0.132797 14646

Kingston Smith LLP


Mvlg Limited 51.5094936 -0.1487071 29930

Mvlg Limited


New Media Law LLP 51.5132586 -0.1439715 24077

New Media Law LLP


Pearlmans Limited 51.51487410000001 -0.1330099 16585

Pearlmans Limited


Reviewed & Cleared Ltd 51.51887749999999 -0.1331201 16403

Reviewed & Cleared Ltd


Ridouts Professional Services Plc 51.5178821 -0.145196 14530

Ridouts Professional Services Plc


Sabeers Stone Greene LLP 51.507242 -0.1429032 8791

Sabeers Stone Greene LLP


Sheridans 51.513182 -0.1334826 26434




Simons Muirhead & Burton LLP 51.5164903 -0.1353679 13670

Simons Muirhead & Burton LLP


Solvaction Ltd 51.5120979 -0.1393925 28730

Solvaction Ltd


The Air Law Firm LLP 51.5077134 -0.1419056 14177

The Air Law Firm LLP



The Burnside Partnership Solicitors Ltd 51.5136166 -0.140771 36428

The Burnside Partnership Solicitors Ltd

