
Top 10 Employment Solicitors in Liverpool

Here you can see the best Employment solicitors in Liverpool. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating


Ai Law Group Limited

54 reviews

Ranked #17 out of 67 Employment solicitor firms in Liverpool

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"Great service "

- 14/12/2024

"Outstanding Notary"

- 09/12/2024

Ai Law Group Limited have 1 Employment solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Ai Law Group Limited 53.4068695 -2.9936613 33037 Ai Law Group Limited

Ai Law Group Limited



Sbw Law Limited

55 reviews

Ranked #18 out of 67 Employment solicitor firms in Liverpool

Sbw Law Limited 53.4431354 -2.7138887 29789 Sbw Law Limited

Sbw Law Limited



Hill Dickinson LLP 53.410076 -2.9939617 22987

Hill Dickinson LLP



Keller Postman UK

95 reviews

Ranked #20 out of 67 Employment solicitor firms in Liverpool

Value for money - EXCELLENT

"Took on a mammoth task ! Police Federation "

- 12/12/2023

"Vw claim"

- 22/12/2022

Keller Postman UK have Employment solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Keller Postman UK 53.409384 -2.9928624 31757 Keller Postman UK

Keller Postman UK



J F Law Limited 53.4074477 -2.9911476 35341

J F Law Limited



Acuity Law Limited 53.4012077 -2.972773 38686

Acuity Law Limited



JMW Solicitors

563 reviews

Ranked #23 out of 67 Employment solicitor firms in Liverpool

Value for money - EXCELLENT


- 18/09/2019


- 12/02/2019

JMW Solicitors have Employment solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

JMW Solicitors 53.4109146 -2.9947335 29172 JMW Solicitors

JMW Solicitors



Jackson Lees Group Ltd 53.4077858 -2.9915616 5333

Jackson Lees Group Ltd



Prosperity Law LLP

18 reviews

Ranked #25 out of 67 Employment solicitor firms in Liverpool

Prosperity Law LLP 53.410076 -2.9939617 19800 Prosperity Law LLP

Prosperity Law LLP



Carpenters Group 53.4083276 -2.9923564 31628

Carpenters Group



Dutton Gregory Llp

10 reviews

Ranked #27 out of 67 Employment solicitor firms in Liverpool

Dutton Gregory Llp 53.4074477 -2.9911476 40543 Dutton Gregory Llp

Dutton Gregory Llp



Three Graces Legal Limited 53.409384 -2.9928624 14396

Three Graces Legal Limited



Hodge Jones & Allen Solicitors Limited 53.4011947 -2.9918294 42689

Hodge Jones & Allen Solicitors Limited



Breens Solicitors Ltd 53.4796734 -3.0231335 1494

Breens Solicitors Ltd



Freeths LLP

13 reviews

Ranked #31 out of 67 Employment solicitor firms in Liverpool

Freeths LLP 53.4077479 -2.9942543 28955 Freeths LLP

Freeths LLP



Excello Libertas Limited 53.4053946 -2.9894151 36146

Excello Libertas Limited



Mackrell And Thomas Limited

2 reviews

Ranked #33 out of 67 Employment solicitor firms in Liverpool

Value for money - EXCELLENT

Mackrell And Thomas Limited have 1 Employment solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Mackrell And Thomas Limited 53.4215216 -2.8605129 15562 Mackrell And Thomas Limited

Mackrell And Thomas Limited



Taylor Wessing LLP 53.40474320000001 -2.9894624 29074

Taylor Wessing LLP



Anderton & Co Solicitors Ltd 53.3594505 -2.9091359 28753

Anderton & Co Solicitors Ltd



Canter Levin & Berg Limited 53.407673 -2.9889114 27251

Canter Levin & Berg Limited



Carruthers Law 53.409384 -2.9928624 17899

Carruthers Law



Clyde & Co Llp 53.406028 -2.9900014 44931

Clyde & Co Llp



Napthens LLP 53.4109146 -2.9947335 29070

Napthens LLP



Weightmans LLP 53.4109146 -2.9947335 22061

Weightmans LLP



Brabners LLP

5 reviews

Ranked #41 out of 67 Employment solicitor firms in Liverpool

Brabners LLP 53.4077858 -2.9915616 23134 Brabners LLP

Brabners LLP



Keoghs LLP 53.410076 -2.9939617 29386

Keoghs LLP



Bartletts Solicitors Limited 53.4056535 -2.9885486 19571

Bartletts Solicitors Limited



Globe Wareing Cropper 53.3584481 -2.857829 27013

Globe Wareing Cropper



Lei Dat & Baig Solicitors Ltd 53.40317959999999 -2.9767739 16576

Lei Dat & Baig Solicitors Ltd



Victor Welsh Solicitors & Notary Public

1 review

Ranked #46 out of 67 Employment solicitor firms in Liverpool

Value for money - COMPETITIVE

Victor Welsh Solicitors & Notary Public have 1 Employment solicitors ready to assist with your matter. Click here to contact directly or find out more.

Total solicitors: 0

Victor Welsh Solicitors & Notary Public 53.39007650000001 -2.9139958 20226 Victor Welsh Solicitors & Notary Public

Victor Welsh Solicitors & Notary Public

