
Top 10 Employment Solicitors in Barnet

Here you can see the best Employment solicitors in Barnet. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating

Geoffrey Grace Solicitors 51.6119419 -0.1790179 28622

Geoffrey Grace Solicitors


Gregory Abrams Davidson Solicitors 51.5812177 -0.1984181 30678

Gregory Abrams Davidson Solicitors


Groom Halliday 51.6108162 -0.1725492 18202

Groom Halliday


Jk Walmsley 51.61298859999999 -0.2806291 22581

Jk Walmsley


Jlj Legal Ltd 51.5617547 -0.1982244 28488

Jlj Legal Ltd


Karen Tickner 51.58029330000001 -0.1991186 21022

Karen Tickner


Karen Wootliff 51.576984 -0.1915138 17038

Karen Wootliff


Ksri Solicitors 51.58696330000001 -0.2145511 19145

Ksri Solicitors


Legalcity Limited 51.6198701 -0.1910372 21728

Legalcity Limited


Leonard Lowy & Co 51.5377806 -0.1405371 24524

Leonard Lowy & Co


Macleod-james And Goonting 51.6473288 -0.1995711 17975

Macleod-james And Goonting


Melani & Company Solicitors 51.5771391 -0.2389604 24951

Melani & Company Solicitors



Parkes Wilshire Johnson 51.6508731 -0.1499057 25805

Parkes Wilshire Johnson


Pearlmans Limited 51.5896953 -0.2200834 16586

Pearlmans Limited


Richard A. Glass Limited 51.5957747 -0.1988961 19500

Richard A. Glass Limited


Rowel Genn Limited 51.515667 -0.1438736 19921

Rowel Genn Limited


Vmd Solicitors Ltd 51.4997323 -0.0122747 20445

Vmd Solicitors Ltd


Wagner & Co 51.6253355 -0.1636875 22610

Wagner & Co


Wayne Leighton LLP 51.6103031 -0.2783909 17572

Wayne Leighton LLP

