
Top 10 Education Solicitors in the UK

Here you can see the best Education solicitors in UK. These results are based predominantly on the reviews collected from clients in the last 12 months on ReviewSolicitors, but take into account a law firm’s accreditations, experience, size, notable cases, Legal Ombudsman and disciplinary records and other important information. Remember to leave a review after you have used a firm!

Average review rating


Spector Constant & Williams Limited 51.5165922 -0.1375663 13312

Spector Constant & Williams Limited


Squire Patton Boggs (Uk) Llp 51.516607 -0.0799274 35569

Squire Patton Boggs (Uk) Llp


Sv Law 51.5837389 -0.1632431 21559

Sv Law


Talem Law Limited 51.6183894 0.0701406 28083

Talem Law Limited


Taylor Culshaw Limited 51.23719269999999 -2.997651 16584

Taylor Culshaw Limited


Temple Bright LLP 51.4531972 -2.6044796 19909

Temple Bright LLP


The Childrens Legal Practice Limited 50.8599463 -1.1739157 23472

The Childrens Legal Practice Limited



Third Sector Law Ltd 51.4275496 -0.9468601999999999 16639

Third Sector Law Ltd


Tlt LLP 51.452873 -2.590458 23392



T P Glover Llb Solicitor 52.7282458 -1.4681115 13792

T P Glover Llb Solicitor


Turner's Solicitors. Education Law Specialists 51.4670849 -3.5623116 21940

Turner's Solicitors. Education Law Specialists


Vincent Sykes & Higham LLP 52.3972967 -0.5379754 21908

Vincent Sykes & Higham LLP


Vista Legal Services Limited 52.9114032 -1.47693 31193

Vista Legal Services Limited


Vlaw Limited

0 reviews

Unranked # out of 264 Education solicitor firms in the UK

Vlaw Limited 51.5119208 -0.1063176 22123 Vlaw Limited

Vlaw Limited


Whitecross Solicitors 51.5230812 -0.0931334 23954

Whitecross Solicitors


Wilsons Solicitors LLP

0 reviews

Unranked # out of 264 Education solicitor firms in the UK

Wilsons Solicitors LLP 51.0662532 -1.7933608 21912 Wilsons Solicitors LLP

Wilsons Solicitors LLP



Womble Bond Dickinson (uk) LLP 51.5044117 -0.0803969 22319

Womble Bond Dickinson (uk) LLP



Woodroffes 51.497868 -0.1454036 26114



Yates Ardern Limited 53.4873055 -2.0967599 19420

Yates Ardern Limited


Zhong Lun Law Firm Limited 51.5157056 -0.0852981 18828

Zhong Lun Law Firm Limited

